Gah i'm so sick of this winter weather. I really need to start wearing jeans.....i went and got a flu injection the other day. I'm not taking the chance this year of getting sick as i have alot of things on my plate at the moment.

It's so hard to find a good horror movie at the moment..Reasons why:
1 I have seen most of them...
2 B grade horror movies of today are just horrible
3 No fresh ideas

I swear their is ghosts in my house...everytime i go out for a smoke at night it feels like someone is lurking behind me...scares the fuck out of me when my dog edge runs up behind or sneaks up behind my leg and licks it. I jump like ten foot high.

A nose bleed is like a rumor...sometimes it won't stop. Some of my family members think it would be funny to start rumors about poor old ciddy rock....well they wasn't laughing when i got into punch up with my cousin adam, because he was the ring leader of it. I might of got a nose bleed but....i broke his hand Ooops!!
It's very rare that i'm voilent.....i like to sit on the fence and try to be friends with everyone..but i hate it when people try to make me pick sides. Sometimes you have to though.
So has all my fellow members and SG's been?
Take care and Talk later
so when you moving north?any ideas where to exactly? surfers isnt an answer
nah, I've always wanted it tattooed on my upper arm with the Fuck Everything text just above the shirt line. Just enough to peek out a bit, but not enough to offend anyone.