I'm thinking about starting my very own hate list....whaddya think?

My family got a big shock the other day....they found out i wasn't going to let them use me up and throw me away like a dirty rag anymore. Why do we take out our anger on those we love?

I'm also finding ciggies are really fazing out of my life.....is what the media says, really ture? Do i have a fuse on the back of my head?

Newcastle is the biggest hole to me now...well it always has been...but the cambo made up for it....but now, the cambo has even turn into shit. So wacth out gold coast i will be up there by the end of this year.

Ok enough...
Take care and talk later

My family got a big shock the other day....they found out i wasn't going to let them use me up and throw me away like a dirty rag anymore. Why do we take out our anger on those we love?

I'm also finding ciggies are really fazing out of my life.....is what the media says, really ture? Do i have a fuse on the back of my head?

Newcastle is the biggest hole to me now...well it always has been...but the cambo made up for it....but now, the cambo has even turn into shit. So wacth out gold coast i will be up there by the end of this year.

Ok enough...
Take care and talk later
Gears of War and Halo 3 are going to be the games that make me buy one, plus I want to get an HD TV first