*yawn* god i'm so fucking tired. lol
was up till 4 am just being awake, i guess i passed out cuzz one second i was laying in bed thinking about my ex the next thing i know i'm jumping awake startled because my alarm clock is belting out one of the songs on my ipod. lol, so got up got all ready for school and...
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was up till 4 am just being awake, i guess i passed out cuzz one second i was laying in bed thinking about my ex the next thing i know i'm jumping awake startled because my alarm clock is belting out one of the songs on my ipod. lol, so got up got all ready for school and...
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my first class will be over 12 hours from now... kind of crazy to think about it.
all kinds of emotions going on... :-/ bleh...
cheers to living in the now, planning for tomorrow, and learning from the past.
all kinds of emotions going on... :-/ bleh...
cheers to living in the now, planning for tomorrow, and learning from the past.
those are my pet chickens
good luck in school tomorrow, i start up again tomorrow 2

hahaha thanks

yea so it's officially sunday here... that's exciting i guess... means that i've got slightly over 24 hours before i start college. don't really have anything to mention, working, not making shit money, Az cards aren't doing so great so far they've lost both of their pre-season games which is a downer, school on monday... yea just nothing going on.
hope your lives are more...
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hope your lives are more...
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I guess you can say I am partially responsible for the first image. I created it on this site Polyvore from gathered images.
If you follow the link you can check out some of the other images I've made.
If you follow the link you can check out some of the other images I've made.
happy friday everyone!
how was your work week?
considering mine starts tonight and goes till sunday night i'm going to go out on a limb here and say mine should be short and good.
nothing much to report here. just kind of relaxing.
get at me.
how was your work week?
considering mine starts tonight and goes till sunday night i'm going to go out on a limb here and say mine should be short and good.
nothing much to report here. just kind of relaxing.
get at me.
Sounds like a good idea, Im actually looking forward to be able to see all movies, one after an other, Im sure that there will be a much better flow as soon as we can see them all. Tho a HP marathon would suck for me, sitting alone in the couch for two days in a row or something like that
None of my friends are as big fans as me so they would probably go home after one of two movies
Honestly I dont know what I want to major in, its sort of the reason Im working at the moment, I need some time to deside what I want to become. How bout you?

Honestly I dont know what I want to major in, its sort of the reason Im working at the moment, I need some time to deside what I want to become. How bout you?
Thanks. I should be better soon.
Hope your weekend's going good.
Hope your weekend's going good.

another late night post :-)
relaxing day. not much to report here.
saw 500 days of summer with a friend last night and ended up making out for like 3 hours in an empty parking lot after the movie. lol it was crazy but awesome. it's just what i've needed something to remind me that i'm still worth the attention of a woman but no...
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relaxing day. not much to report here.
saw 500 days of summer with a friend last night and ended up making out for like 3 hours in an empty parking lot after the movie. lol it was crazy but awesome. it's just what i've needed something to remind me that i'm still worth the attention of a woman but no...
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I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not
but personally I think it's a nice thing, unless said situation causes your emotions to want some strings there. I'm a fan of scissors in that aspect.
Reply to comment:
I just have to fill out a profile, send them two forms of ID, fill out a w-9, sign a model release form, find a photographer and the get the set done.
Thank you kind sir
Just self image shizzle nizzle fo rizzle dizzle.
I'm looking forward to getting toxins out of my body & the endorphin high. I hate exercising it's just the feeling I get after doing it that keeps me going back.
'BOUT DAMN TIME! lol, I haven't really conversed with anyone in the groups. Have you?
"don't repress who you are, just change it, it's easier." Fucking love that, enh (yes, Canadian Enh).
rofl, have you ever read till you cried? If you haven't John Adams by David McOullough (sp) would do the fucking trick, hands down.
"the path of lege of col <--- spalin that to me?"- College
Sometimes I say shit reversed or mixed up, I "fancy british gentry talk". So I make random shit sound fancy, like library= barry of lies, hot topic= topic of hot, coffee= the fee of cof etc etc.
Say you're going to the barry of lies, peaks way more interest than the "I'm going to library".
I agree with you on your perspective when it comes to arguments. I can deal with the name-calling as long as they have some back up/evidence as to what it is they're arguing for or against , but once they just settle to name-calling and attacking my appearance/characteristics instead of the reason why the "conversation" began I just get quiet and patiently re-buttal them. It's like they've malfunctioned or something. Depends on the situation. I don't know, so many situations. For the most part I'm a dormant-pacifist. I avoid arguments, but sometimes I think it's healthy to yell. Bad for the throat, good for the heart mefinks.

Reply to comment:
I just have to fill out a profile, send them two forms of ID, fill out a w-9, sign a model release form, find a photographer and the get the set done.

Thank you kind sir

I'm looking forward to getting toxins out of my body & the endorphin high. I hate exercising it's just the feeling I get after doing it that keeps me going back.
'BOUT DAMN TIME! lol, I haven't really conversed with anyone in the groups. Have you?
"don't repress who you are, just change it, it's easier." Fucking love that, enh (yes, Canadian Enh).
rofl, have you ever read till you cried? If you haven't John Adams by David McOullough (sp) would do the fucking trick, hands down.
"the path of lege of col <--- spalin that to me?"- College

Sometimes I say shit reversed or mixed up, I "fancy british gentry talk". So I make random shit sound fancy, like library= barry of lies, hot topic= topic of hot, coffee= the fee of cof etc etc.
Say you're going to the barry of lies, peaks way more interest than the "I'm going to library".

I agree with you on your perspective when it comes to arguments. I can deal with the name-calling as long as they have some back up/evidence as to what it is they're arguing for or against , but once they just settle to name-calling and attacking my appearance/characteristics instead of the reason why the "conversation" began I just get quiet and patiently re-buttal them. It's like they've malfunctioned or something. Depends on the situation. I don't know, so many situations. For the most part I'm a dormant-pacifist. I avoid arguments, but sometimes I think it's healthy to yell. Bad for the throat, good for the heart mefinks.

I'm good, bruises heal, I'm clumsy anyways so I'll have a fresh batch of bruises to contend with momentarily, I'm sure.
Tried to watch the hangover but fell asleep because E was in the bed too. Felt nice to have a warm body next to me
Tried to watch the hangover but fell asleep because E was in the bed too. Felt nice to have a warm body next to me
another late night post :-)
relaxing day. not much to report here.
saw 500 days of summer with a friend last night and ended up making out for like 3 hours in an empty parking lot after the movie. lol it was crazy but awesome. it's just what i've needed something to remind me that i'm still worth the attention of a woman but no...
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relaxing day. not much to report here.
saw 500 days of summer with a friend last night and ended up making out for like 3 hours in an empty parking lot after the movie. lol it was crazy but awesome. it's just what i've needed something to remind me that i'm still worth the attention of a woman but no...
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I have been wonderful!

woo new blog time, i've gotten the majority of my top friends to comment yesterday's blog which means i can post a new one! yes!
lol now what to write about...
let's go with, once again i got into a fight... this time with my ex who is one of my best friends, we got into a fight about weather or not i'm an anorexic...
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lol now what to write about...
let's go with, once again i got into a fight... this time with my ex who is one of my best friends, we got into a fight about weather or not i'm an anorexic...
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My expectations was not that high but the movie was definetly much better then I thought it would be, I enjoyed it a lot actually
But if Im gonna compare it to the book its not good enough, but wich movie based on a book has ever been perfect
Collage loans sucks, Ive got a few my self and I will "hopefully" have some more (meaning i will hopefully be going back to school in the future

Collage loans sucks, Ive got a few my self and I will "hopefully" have some more (meaning i will hopefully be going back to school in the future

it's not that I want to callous over, I guess. because I want to feel things in a very raw way... it's comforting to me. especially being on meds for depression and OCD... I feel dumbed down when I'm on them. now that I'm not, while emotions can be hard to process and handle, it's refreshing to FEEL them. but it's hard being hurt and then moving on from there. you know?
I'm facinated with the whole angel/demon thing. so I'm siding along that idea. but that's just me.
and it's hard with ex's. I have a couple I'm still friends with and it's seriously rough when you hit a nerve that strikes the both of you. there's a fine line between caring still but leaving well enough alone.
I'm facinated with the whole angel/demon thing. so I'm siding along that idea. but that's just me.
and it's hard with ex's. I have a couple I'm still friends with and it's seriously rough when you hit a nerve that strikes the both of you. there's a fine line between caring still but leaving well enough alone.
so here we are... tuesday night
what's up with me and the night posts i swear to Jesus
lol ah well whatcha gonna do.
day was okish...
got my tires rotated, had some starbucks which didn't agree with me tasted amazing but i got sick shortly after i don't know if i can blame starbucks for it but cause and effect you know? that or...
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what's up with me and the night posts i swear to Jesus
lol ah well whatcha gonna do.
day was okish...
got my tires rotated, had some starbucks which didn't agree with me tasted amazing but i got sick shortly after i don't know if i can blame starbucks for it but cause and effect you know? that or...
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bout time!
Today was disgusting!!
I can't remember where we were up to in our question game o_O
So...I'm going to ask you one!!
What do you want to be when you *grow up*?
Today was disgusting!!

I can't remember where we were up to in our question game o_O
So...I'm going to ask you one!!
What do you want to be when you *grow up*?
well i figured it was time to post a new one of these...
not really sure what to write.
i should be happy, but i just feel empty and alone.
i mean, come on! i went and hung out with my best friend friday, we went to lunch, saw district 9 (great movie by the way), then went to work had a decent night, save...
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not really sure what to write.
i should be happy, but i just feel empty and alone.
i mean, come on! i went and hung out with my best friend friday, we went to lunch, saw district 9 (great movie by the way), then went to work had a decent night, save...
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I'm ready to chat when you are.

my kind of guy! (to what you said in the thread, haha.)
as for your blog - DUDE, believe, i get told how to do my job by people I train at work a few times a week, shit's ridiculous and i too carry that frustration with me. i'm sorry, love.
fill the emptiness with friends and love. i hope the best for you, sugar.

as for your blog - DUDE, believe, i get told how to do my job by people I train at work a few times a week, shit's ridiculous and i too carry that frustration with me. i'm sorry, love.
fill the emptiness with friends and love. i hope the best for you, sugar.
Morning world. it's 2 in the morning here in arizona.
kind of a rough night. felt pretty down at work, was listening to some music on the ipod while i was on break and i really needed to write. but of course when i'm at work i never take any of my notebooks so i'll never know what kind of poetry i could've written. *sigh*...
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kind of a rough night. felt pretty down at work, was listening to some music on the ipod while i was on break and i really needed to write. but of course when i'm at work i never take any of my notebooks so i'll never know what kind of poetry i could've written. *sigh*...
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Hi Clay, first of all BIG huggles ♥ I'm sorry you're not/weren't doing so good.
Hope you're feeling better by now
Secondly, sorry I haven't been playing the question game much lately. Been busy with RL stuff.
Lots of cyber love and hugs <3
Hope you're feeling better by now

Secondly, sorry I haven't been playing the question game much lately. Been busy with RL stuff.
Lots of cyber love and hugs <3
btw, me too.
I'm really down and fucked up lately o_O
rl *should* be over internet every time...but I try to escape from my life as much as possible these days ♥
I'm really down and fucked up lately o_O
rl *should* be over internet every time...but I try to escape from my life as much as possible these days ♥