I spent four and a half hours on a train to london today. And then about 20minutes or so on tubes. And then drank some beer with the lads and watched the match whilst my dad was getting his hair cut in west hampsted.

And then sat, on a train without air conditioning, for an hour at Liverpool Street because some bell-end threw themself on...
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Sven pointed you out one night when you were passing Bannermans or standing outside we red vodka.
Also, the boys talk. how much Jack have you drank at Greames? kiss
Enjoy Londan. we'll mabe bump into each other when you come back ARRR!!!
nofringe i would say
Today was quite wicked although I spent a lot of time trailing from one campus of my college to the other in search of someone to hand some forms to!

I managed it in the end and then jumped on a bus to Leith to see beth & co! Having done thus, i decided that her kittens were the cutest things i've ever seen, especially...
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Hey thanks for the comment on my set, those photos you took are nice smile
Yeah Im right in Edinburgh I've seen the tyrant lizard kings a bunch of times, small world!
woop woop woop!

got my freaking membership now biggrin so happy.

theres so much to do, i've already read through my fav sg's journals, so now i'll go back through them and check for posts or pictures that i couldn't see before! and see their set pictures and blah blah blah etc.

i'm really happy at the moment, had a wicked day yesterday chilling at work...
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Hello miss banana row kiss
welcome mofo enjoy ur stay and love the boobies it all rules