Lately it seems that everyone has a significant other except me. Every time I meet or find the profile of an attractive and interesting girl she's either taken or has no desire to get to know me. I've been close to getting together with various girls in the past few months but it just never happens. Why is it so difficult for me? I dont...
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from what you say here i think the problem could just be the way you come off to people. maybe you seem too full of yourself or maybe in real life you're too shy. maybe you're too pushy or convinced that you know what 'girls' want. there isnt a universal list of things girls want.everyone is an individual and everyone wants and looks for different things. dont assume you know what anyone wants or likes. and take into consideration about how others could take what you say.
thats just my 2 cents.
i hope you're not offended or anything shocked
welllllllll... youre in luck! biggrin
WOOHOO!!!! Missy sent me an email saying I could join for a year for $29! I'm back yet again and this time it's for 365 damn days.
glad you liked my set! congrats on the year membership smile
So I've payed for another month of SG and I'm back. There is just a shortage of quality porn out there to enjoy for free so I had to revert to paying $12 for a month so that I could see all the beautiful SG's. It's really not that much when I consider what I get for it. I know, I know, I can pay...
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welcome back....good luck on the job hunt.
welcome back!!!

p.s. glad you liked the set hun! thanks for checking it out!
*Walks in, looks around, yells "Penis" to hear the echo, and sits down to start a blog*

So it's the SG blog area. Most of the groups I want to join require a journal so i better start one. I hope Blogs and Journals are the same thing. I guess I'll find out. I'm Wes. I live in Atlanta GA. I dont have a job....
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Thank you!