I hate that my blogs are always me complaing. It makes me look like a big whiner. I just always think about blogging when something is bothering me. I'm not generally an unhappy person. So on to the complaining..........
Where to begin........ maybe I'll make a list
1. I am so fed up with damn near every girl I know wanting to be with a much older guy! They've always rationalized it to themselves also. I will now disect those rationalizations and expose them for what they really are.
- "Older guys are more mature"......... I have plenty of friends 25 and older who are no more mature than I am. I think guys basically finnish maturing at 20 or so. After that they just start getting older and might have a little more money. If they are more mature then why the fuck do they want to have anything to do with an immature 19 year old girl? Can you say ass?
-"Older guys are more caring and romantic"........This is something that varies between all guys. You might find a caring and romantic younger guy or a caring and romantic older one. It's really bad reasoning.
-"Older guys are more stable in their life and finances".......If a guy has a nice house and money and thats your reasoning for being with him then you are a fucking gold digger!
-"Older guys are more experienced"........Thats because they are older you dumb bitch! I'll say it again. Why the fuck do they want anything to do with an inexperienced 19 year old girl? Can you say ass?
-"Older guys are the only ones I can relate to intellectually"...........You sure are full of yourself arent you? Do you really think you are relating to a 25+ college graduate on the same intellectual level while being a 19 year old college freshman? He might make you beleive that but what's his reasoning? Can you say Ass?
I could probably keep going but you get the idea. This pisses me off! It applies to me to, but who am I an older guy to? Fuckin 15 year olds! I cant touch a 15 year old girl without getting arrested or shunned by society and I sure as hell dont want to date one of their dramatic immature asses. Girls that desperately seek older guys to date have deep pyschological issues that should be discussed with a therapist, not worked out while riding a 30 year old mans dick!
2. Heres another gripe with women. Lately the girls I've been talking to have made the reasons I am not good enough for them very clear very fast and if they were good reasons I wouldnt mind but they are shit reasons. Here are some of them.
- I only date guys who smoke pot
- I only date guys who are hispanic (from a white girl much paler than me)
- I only date guys who are older (I was older than this girl!)
- I only date guys who are bi-sexual
I wish to god I could be that picky with the girls I date. I mean for christ sakes, in the area where it asks for "current crush" my answer is "any decent looking girl that will give me the time of fucking day."
Someone tell me where I'm going wrong!
Where to begin........ maybe I'll make a list
1. I am so fed up with damn near every girl I know wanting to be with a much older guy! They've always rationalized it to themselves also. I will now disect those rationalizations and expose them for what they really are.
- "Older guys are more mature"......... I have plenty of friends 25 and older who are no more mature than I am. I think guys basically finnish maturing at 20 or so. After that they just start getting older and might have a little more money. If they are more mature then why the fuck do they want to have anything to do with an immature 19 year old girl? Can you say ass?
-"Older guys are more caring and romantic"........This is something that varies between all guys. You might find a caring and romantic younger guy or a caring and romantic older one. It's really bad reasoning.
-"Older guys are more stable in their life and finances".......If a guy has a nice house and money and thats your reasoning for being with him then you are a fucking gold digger!
-"Older guys are more experienced"........Thats because they are older you dumb bitch! I'll say it again. Why the fuck do they want anything to do with an inexperienced 19 year old girl? Can you say ass?
-"Older guys are the only ones I can relate to intellectually"...........You sure are full of yourself arent you? Do you really think you are relating to a 25+ college graduate on the same intellectual level while being a 19 year old college freshman? He might make you beleive that but what's his reasoning? Can you say Ass?
I could probably keep going but you get the idea. This pisses me off! It applies to me to, but who am I an older guy to? Fuckin 15 year olds! I cant touch a 15 year old girl without getting arrested or shunned by society and I sure as hell dont want to date one of their dramatic immature asses. Girls that desperately seek older guys to date have deep pyschological issues that should be discussed with a therapist, not worked out while riding a 30 year old mans dick!
2. Heres another gripe with women. Lately the girls I've been talking to have made the reasons I am not good enough for them very clear very fast and if they were good reasons I wouldnt mind but they are shit reasons. Here are some of them.
- I only date guys who smoke pot
- I only date guys who are hispanic (from a white girl much paler than me)
- I only date guys who are older (I was older than this girl!)
- I only date guys who are bi-sexual
I wish to god I could be that picky with the girls I date. I mean for christ sakes, in the area where it asks for "current crush" my answer is "any decent looking girl that will give me the time of fucking day."
Someone tell me where I'm going wrong!
A friend send ti to me and i found it to be some funning shit.....
Just popped into my head.
It's a good Viking name, if that helps.