How the fuck do you change the profile picture? Look, I like SG just fine but this site is technically terrible.
Hunting for a job is such a depressing ordeal for me. Although I'm extremely intelligent and handy, on paper I'm not qualified to do much of anything and it seems that that's all anyone is concerned about. Let's be honest, just about anyone can wait tables and just about anyone can work in retail. But I've never done either so no one in this cut...
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I need some advice. At the end of July I was dumped. My ex and I were so much to one another and we were going to remain friends but you know how that often goes. I felt that I could continue to be her friend and maybe when I resolved some of the issues that had pushed her away we might get back together...
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Well, that's the same advice that my best friend gave me and I consider her very wise so this is very good advice in my book. Thank you.
You seem like a really amazing person. Do you IM? I'd like to talk to you more thoroughly than just SG comments.
You seem like a really amazing person. Do you IM? I'd like to talk to you more thoroughly than just SG comments.
hey thx for your comment on my set

thanks for the req 

Wow, looks good!!
Thanks for the compliment! I actually read that article before I posted my blog. That's where I got the picture of it. It's interesting to read what strangers have to say about my dad's friend's car, and it was super cool to see it on tv. The whole time I was like, "I've totally ridden in that car!" Oh, I'm so cool....
I just had the gayest cup of tea there ever was. When I poured the hot water over the tea bag it was purple and smelled like flowers. Not really mind kind of thing. I like a few gay things such as black berry green tea frapucinos from star bucks but no purple flowery tea for me. I like nothing better than a cup of...
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we do look just alike!!
you know i had no idea they made special homosexual tea.. Im going to let the people of the gay population know so we can stop drinking the straight tea!
you know i had no idea they made special homosexual tea.. Im going to let the people of the gay population know so we can stop drinking the straight tea!
plain black tea is the way to go lol
I hate that my blogs are always me complaing. It makes me look like a big whiner. I just always think about blogging when something is bothering me. I'm not generally an unhappy person. So on to the complaining..........
Where to begin........ maybe I'll make a list
1. I am so fed up with damn near every girl I know wanting to be with a...
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Where to begin........ maybe I'll make a list
1. I am so fed up with damn near every girl I know wanting to be with a...
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A friend send ti to me and i found it to be some funning shit.....
Just popped into my head.
It's a good Viking name, if that helps.

Is there such a thing as a single SG? It seems like every SG profile I look at is of a girl in a very happy relationship. Makes me sick! <====== jealous!!
I am very, very single.
heh.. that was really sweet... I just wanted you to know!

I am hopelessly addicted to those mintmocha starbucks frappuccinos that you buy in the glass bottles from grocery stores or gas stations. I'm pretty sure they're just making them for the holiday season though! UGH!!! I'm gonna have to buy them from some starbucks black market for 1000% markup when they stop making them after Christmas. Why the hell is mint considered a holiday-season-only flavor?
The mint ones aren't just for the holiday's! They are just more rare. I had one in July once.
I'd like to thank my fucking apartment complex and economics teacher for ruining one of my favorite holidays. Last night I got on WEBCT (website that teachers post class information on) and found out I had an Economics mid-term that I hadnt studied for today. What kind of evil satanic fucking teacher gives a goddamn mid-term on Halloween? So that sucked but it wasnt the...
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ugh.. my place towed my motorcycle for having expired tags.. now the tow company wants like $900 to get it back.. im totally agro.
anyways.. i think i saw you at CabbageTown Parks Chomp n Stomp .. where you there?
anyways.. i think i saw you at CabbageTown Parks Chomp n Stomp .. where you there?
I don't mind! Blogs/journals are for venting!!