while i'm spending $$$.......I think I want more tattoos...and the computer can wait.. I can always get the monthly billing thing....ohhh i want my little iBook....but apple will come out with a new one the day after I get it, so might as well wait. i didn't used to be picky about computers, but once you go mac...
anyway I want a pair of mermaids on either side of my sacred heart. got a friend....he might hook it up cheap, and he's great....and I hear he has a crush on me!!!!! (although he has a kid!!! ::::runs screaming:::
despite my chosen course of career, I am sooooo nervous with children. like, I never had a dog, growing up...I think they're neat, and cute, but they make me skittish. same for kids.
last nite I cut open Blondie's head and changed the color of her eyes. it was scary....I felt like Wednesday Addams sawing my doll's head open.
she's fine, recovering. her roomate will probably get the same when she arrives...
she's a blonde....I think I will make them re-enact a few scenes from Mullholland Drive. harhar. Silencio...Silencio....No Hay Banda......
I took that test today, it was alright...I didn't study, but he throws the lowest one out, anyway. Listening to the new Church album....it's realllllly good, I wanna buy the new Air. Or maybe some Ludacris...mmmm Chicken n' Beer....my favorite meal...
a little pre-surgery anesthesia...

anyway I want a pair of mermaids on either side of my sacred heart. got a friend....he might hook it up cheap, and he's great....and I hear he has a crush on me!!!!! (although he has a kid!!! ::::runs screaming:::

last nite I cut open Blondie's head and changed the color of her eyes. it was scary....I felt like Wednesday Addams sawing my doll's head open.

she's fine, recovering. her roomate will probably get the same when she arrives...
she's a blonde....I think I will make them re-enact a few scenes from Mullholland Drive. harhar. Silencio...Silencio....No Hay Banda......
I took that test today, it was alright...I didn't study, but he throws the lowest one out, anyway. Listening to the new Church album....it's realllllly good, I wanna buy the new Air. Or maybe some Ludacris...mmmm Chicken n' Beer....my favorite meal...
a little pre-surgery anesthesia...

I almost fell out of my chair when i saw the Blondie pix you posted in my journal!!!
New tattoos!!! Do you have a design picked out yet???
I'm saving my $$$$ too.... i want to get my back finished
Yeah... i think kids are cool...
as long as they don't belong to me...
i Hope you have a great week-end babe!!!
Give my luv to Blondie!