So that boy who lies to me all the time, lied to me again. So I told him to go suck a starburst......and by that I mean I told him to never try to talk to me again in any way shape or form. He's a lying sack of shit who never ever did anything for me because he wanted to. Anything nice he ever did for me he did because he thought he was supposed to, not ever because he wanted to. I wasted so much of my time and energy. What I thought was one of the best summers of my life turned out to be a huge lie. He thought material possessions made up for him being insincere, uncaring, and inconsiderate. To top it all off, he did it in the name of some immature scenester skank from cvs.
And he wonders why hes depressed. Maybe if he quit treating the people who cared about him with an ounce of respect or understanding he would be able to find happiness.
In other news, this boy who told me I was the coolest girl he'd ever met didn't even give two shits when I told him I couldn't keep fucking him. Didn't even want a reason, didn't even care enough. This thing that was supposed to be stupid and casual, just a couple of friends helping each other out with common, primal, carnal needs.....well he didn't even end up being a friend in the end. This whole time I thought we were using each other, he was just using me. Thats what I figure anyway. Because if it had been reversed, I, as his friend, would have asked for a reason, because friends care and want to know why one would be uncomfortable in said situation. He probably didn't have time because he had to start looking through his phone for other girls to fuck.
All in the same day.
Oh, and I'm pretty positive I'm in love with my best friend.
I'm pretty sure summer will never get here.
I miss having sex with meaning behind it. In fact I can't remember the last time I did. Thats kinda pathetic.
But, my life is good. All in all. And I welcome all experiences to come my way. And I truly hope anyone who reads this is genuinely happy.
Save for one person, and he knows who he is. I hope someone can make him feel just as truly awful, used, and betrayed as he made me feel. Thats not me being spiteful, its me just really counting on karma.
And he wonders why hes depressed. Maybe if he quit treating the people who cared about him with an ounce of respect or understanding he would be able to find happiness.
In other news, this boy who told me I was the coolest girl he'd ever met didn't even give two shits when I told him I couldn't keep fucking him. Didn't even want a reason, didn't even care enough. This thing that was supposed to be stupid and casual, just a couple of friends helping each other out with common, primal, carnal needs.....well he didn't even end up being a friend in the end. This whole time I thought we were using each other, he was just using me. Thats what I figure anyway. Because if it had been reversed, I, as his friend, would have asked for a reason, because friends care and want to know why one would be uncomfortable in said situation. He probably didn't have time because he had to start looking through his phone for other girls to fuck.
All in the same day.
Oh, and I'm pretty positive I'm in love with my best friend.
I'm pretty sure summer will never get here.
I miss having sex with meaning behind it. In fact I can't remember the last time I did. Thats kinda pathetic.
But, my life is good. All in all. And I welcome all experiences to come my way. And I truly hope anyone who reads this is genuinely happy.
Save for one person, and he knows who he is. I hope someone can make him feel just as truly awful, used, and betrayed as he made me feel. Thats not me being spiteful, its me just really counting on karma.

if your at all interested i would like to share a drink and converse with you some time, and i apologize if it's rude of me to offer after reading about your recent affairs, but i'd like to, so there it is, hehe