Dave (2:52:25 AM): and the same for you, my sweet lovely lady of midnight conversation and kisses.
his flattery could get him everywhere, but he rather chooses to not exploit that fact. normally that would be sweet or considerate or chivelrous. but no, i want to bang that boy and bang him stupid. so it is only frustrating and disheartening when he says somthing like that that makes me catch my breath, knowing nothing, despite my better efforts, will come of it.
what the ever loving fuck?
his flattery could get him everywhere, but he rather chooses to not exploit that fact. normally that would be sweet or considerate or chivelrous. but no, i want to bang that boy and bang him stupid. so it is only frustrating and disheartening when he says somthing like that that makes me catch my breath, knowing nothing, despite my better efforts, will come of it.
what the ever loving fuck?