so my last two blogs were...... so retarded man.
as the ever wonderful daeos said "after reading your blog i just wanted to grab you by the collar and tell you to get ahold of yourself" or something like that.
seriously... wtf? i wasnt even in a bad mood? i think i was still just blech from my trip to the oc. that was um, fun. i think next time ill do everything by myself and never ever make plans with other people ever. the best part of my trip by far was dancing alone to justice at hard nye in l.a., and other than that i enjoyed lunch with my zachy.
anyway, life is good. my job is the fucking raddest job ever. my employers are fucking amazing. my family is good, my dad is genuinely trying to quit smoking FINALLY, my mom is really working on the four agreements, my sister is just doing her thing and i love her for it... and me? what am i doing?
well today starts my new year. im entering a program today that lasts 12 weeks, and im sooo ready for it. in 3 months i should be a whole new super healthy me, and i cant wait =)
ummmm lets see what else. oh, my hair is growing and im happy about it. for my birthday(june) i have decided i will get myself a dog. i hope lewhitelines is really gonna come chill this summer. i want to weigh 50 lbs less by 2009. i want to meet more cool chicks and build solid friendships with them. i want to get over my newfound sex issue. i want to start writing again. i want to do a lot this year, and i will. yay me.
wooooooooohooooooooooooooooo 2008.
oh, and another thing im working on and have realized... people are gonna be stupid no matter what. i cant change them, or make them see the error of their ways. so thats their cross to bear, not mine. yeah it sucks if my friends are making idiodic decisions but im not gonna let it bring me down anymore.
hope everyoneis doing well, and hope 2008 brings you as much hope and happiness as it brings me.
as the ever wonderful daeos said "after reading your blog i just wanted to grab you by the collar and tell you to get ahold of yourself" or something like that.
seriously... wtf? i wasnt even in a bad mood? i think i was still just blech from my trip to the oc. that was um, fun. i think next time ill do everything by myself and never ever make plans with other people ever. the best part of my trip by far was dancing alone to justice at hard nye in l.a., and other than that i enjoyed lunch with my zachy.
anyway, life is good. my job is the fucking raddest job ever. my employers are fucking amazing. my family is good, my dad is genuinely trying to quit smoking FINALLY, my mom is really working on the four agreements, my sister is just doing her thing and i love her for it... and me? what am i doing?
well today starts my new year. im entering a program today that lasts 12 weeks, and im sooo ready for it. in 3 months i should be a whole new super healthy me, and i cant wait =)
ummmm lets see what else. oh, my hair is growing and im happy about it. for my birthday(june) i have decided i will get myself a dog. i hope lewhitelines is really gonna come chill this summer. i want to weigh 50 lbs less by 2009. i want to meet more cool chicks and build solid friendships with them. i want to get over my newfound sex issue. i want to start writing again. i want to do a lot this year, and i will. yay me.
wooooooooohooooooooooooooooo 2008.
oh, and another thing im working on and have realized... people are gonna be stupid no matter what. i cant change them, or make them see the error of their ways. so thats their cross to bear, not mine. yeah it sucks if my friends are making idiodic decisions but im not gonna let it bring me down anymore.
hope everyoneis doing well, and hope 2008 brings you as much hope and happiness as it brings me.