It's Friday the 13th,
you know what that means...
The 1 Year Anniversary of L Train!
(see below for special news)
L Train> Presents:
>> Dance Disaster Movement
>> Ashbury
>> Golden Arms
I will be spinning my usual mix of Post Punk, New Wave, No Wave, Booty Jamz and some old shit that you haven't heard in awhile.
When: Tonight, Friday the 13th
Where: The Echo - 1822 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park
How Much? 18-20 $5 / 21+ FREE! (so drink up!)
Time: Doors at 9 PM.
*Special News*
This will be the last L Train at The Echo. The next L Train will be on Friday, September 10th at it's new home EL CID!
The club will be back on it's regular schedule (the 2nd & 4th Fridays) from here on out.
you know what that means...
The 1 Year Anniversary of L Train!
(see below for special news)
L Train> Presents:
>> Dance Disaster Movement
>> Ashbury
>> Golden Arms
I will be spinning my usual mix of Post Punk, New Wave, No Wave, Booty Jamz and some old shit that you haven't heard in awhile.
When: Tonight, Friday the 13th
Where: The Echo - 1822 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park
How Much? 18-20 $5 / 21+ FREE! (so drink up!)
Time: Doors at 9 PM.
*Special News*
This will be the last L Train at The Echo. The next L Train will be on Friday, September 10th at it's new home EL CID!
The club will be back on it's regular schedule (the 2nd & 4th Fridays) from here on out.