Evening all
Hope your all doing well
Sorry i not been around much the past few days but have been down my dads in england for a few days and didnt have a proper chance to update or comment.
Had a good time down my dads, he loves a beer or two so we spent alot of time in the pub
Saturday was one of the greatest days in the history of the world
Wales won the grandslam in the 6 nations rugby tournament, first time in 27 years we have won the grandslam
the beer did indeed flow, and had a few people tell me the next day that i was slightly drunk
was a great day though, just bring on the world cup in 2007
it will be wales' name on the side of the cup at the end
Have been asked to join a band
So, of course I said yes as I have been after a band thats gonna be more serious than most of the people i start playing with
Have two rehersals with them this week, and then a gig on sunday which im looking forward too whooo
I mayy be quiet again on s.g for a bit
My mother is coming home for 3 weeks from the states, so dont think she will appreciate me sitting in the front room browsing S.G while she does her sewing!
Will pop on when I can to update and comment though. will needto tell everyone about sundays gig
Think thats about it for now
Clarkys stereo this week :
The faint
Eighteen Visions
Blink 182
Take care all!!!!!!!
Played with my new band today, went really well
we have a gig sunday in cwmaman institue in aid of the tsunami relief fund AND THE BANDS NAME IS IN KERRANG MAGAZINE
OOOOh ooooh oh yeah, i get my new ink put on my leg on tuesday

Hope your all doing well
Sorry i not been around much the past few days but have been down my dads in england for a few days and didnt have a proper chance to update or comment.
Had a good time down my dads, he loves a beer or two so we spent alot of time in the pub

Saturday was one of the greatest days in the history of the world
Wales won the grandslam in the 6 nations rugby tournament, first time in 27 years we have won the grandslam

the beer did indeed flow, and had a few people tell me the next day that i was slightly drunk

was a great day though, just bring on the world cup in 2007

Have been asked to join a band

So, of course I said yes as I have been after a band thats gonna be more serious than most of the people i start playing with
Have two rehersals with them this week, and then a gig on sunday which im looking forward too whooo
I mayy be quiet again on s.g for a bit

My mother is coming home for 3 weeks from the states, so dont think she will appreciate me sitting in the front room browsing S.G while she does her sewing!
Will pop on when I can to update and comment though. will needto tell everyone about sundays gig

Think thats about it for now

Clarkys stereo this week :
The faint
Eighteen Visions
Blink 182
Take care all!!!!!!!
Played with my new band today, went really well
we have a gig sunday in cwmaman institue in aid of the tsunami relief fund AND THE BANDS NAME IS IN KERRANG MAGAZINE

OOOOh ooooh oh yeah, i get my new ink put on my leg on tuesday

no I am a McDoanlds girl. Burger King was just closer.
OooOooOo can I be your groupie!?!?!? lol! I have to go to work...and yes you are my doll face..lol