Evening people, right, first of all, heres some thing I stole from annabelle:
:x: Name = Richard
:x: Tattoos = Yup
:x: Piercings = tongue, top of ear
:x: Height= 5'9
:x: Shoe size = 10
:x: Hair color = currently black and red
:x: Movie you rented = Dont rent them
:x: Movie you last bought = ichi the killer i think
:x: CD you bought = m.c.r
:x: Song you listened to = Im not ok, i promise
:x: T.V. show you've watched = not watched t.v in a while, its broke and keep forgetting to fix it
:x: Thing you bought = lunch in work
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else: sometimes
:x: You think about suicide = suicide girls.
:x: You want more piercings = sure why not
:x: You like cleaning = hell no
:x: You like roller coasters = yeah
:x: You write cursive or print = print
For or Against:
:x: Long distance relationships? = tried it before, they suck, so against
:x: Suicide = girls.
:x: Teenage smoking = if they're goign to do it, they're going to do it
:x: Driving drunk = for
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships= whatever works for you
:x: Soap operas = against
:x: Shampoo do you use = Herbal escence
:x: Shoes do you wear = A few pairs
:x: Are you scared of = Spiders
:x: Of hearts I have broken= dunno, have to ask others
:x: Of people I could trust with my life = a few
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the news = who knows
:x: Of scars on my body? = not many
:x: Of things in my past that I regret? = not a thing
Do you think you are:
:x: Good Looking = is the light on or off?
:x: Funny = at times :-D
:x: Friendly = when you get to know me
:x: Loveable = hopefully
:x: Caring = usually
:x: 4 letter word = twat
:x: Color(s) = red, black, purple
Have you ever:
:x: Said "I love you"= yes
:x: Kept a secret from anyone: yes
:x: Cried during a movie = no, not yet lol
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide = hell no
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex = not really :-s
:x: What time is it now = 22:35
:x: Apples or bananas = apples
:x: Blue or red = red
:x: Walmart or target = dunno
:x: Spring or Fall = spring
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this = put stuff in the tumbly drier
:x: Noise you heard = me typing
:x: Smell you sniffed = inside of my car
:x: Time you went out of state = dont have states in wales
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = yes
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many? 2 at most
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is = trust
Other Info:
:x: Criminal record = not yet
:x: Do you speak any other languages = a little welsh
:x: Last book you read = not sure
:x: Who you love = friends, family, my animals.
:x: Initials = drc
:x: How old do you look = young enough to get i.d'd at bars lol
:x: How old do you act = 16
:x: Pets = 1 cat
:x: What makes you happy = drums, music, alcohol, spongebob
Have You Ever:
:x: Thought you were going to die = no
:x: Wanted to Run away = yes
:x: Flunked a grade = n/a
:x: Ran away = no
:x: Skipped a grade = n/a
:x: Moved = no
:x: Attempted to commit suicide = no
:x: Thought about it = no
:x: Gotten drunk = sure
:x: Been in jail = nope, working on it though
:x: Contacted the police = no
:x: Been in lust = yep
:x: Smoked = yesssss
:x: Stolen Anything = hahah
:x: Cheated On A Test = hell yeah
:x: Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend = never
:x: Been In The Hospital = yes
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder = dont think so
:x: Fell asleep in the bath = no
:x: Gone to Church = as a kid
:x: Never slept during the night = yeah
:x: Been to camp = no
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving = ew yes ew
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week = probs when younger
:x: Been in a earthquake = no
:x: Been in a tornado = nope
:x: Streaked in the streets = lol no
:x: Been Skinny-dipping =no
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason = hahha yeah
:x: Been in a fight = no
:x: Slept in your bed = what?
So howare you all???? Hope things are great
Not been up to too much myself, mostly work, the rest of the week is just goingto get better though
2morro, I think i will spend cleaning the house first of all, as my mother is coming to visit next week, and will kill me if the place is a tip lol
Then I think I will go get a small over draft from the bank because i've spent all my money lol
I am off to Cardiff 2morro eveningthough going to see the very awesome eighteen visions
Cant wait
, will be the third time i have seen them ( saw them once supporting 36 crazy fists, and one supporting the lost prophets)
The gig is gonna fucking rock as its only in a small pace
Thursday then, tis my birthday!! whooooooooo
Will be doing what clarky does best, and going on an allmighty night ou with plenty of mates, plenty of alcohol and plenty of mischief hehehe
ahhhhh will be good
any ways, this entry is fucking long so will end it here
speak to you all soon!!!!!!
just got home from seeing eighteen visions, third time i have seen them, and def the best time
they played in this tiny little bar in cardiff and did an awesome cover of paradise city
all the bands were cool, misery signals opened, then emanuel played I FUCKING LOVE THAT BAND AND AM HAPPY I SEEN THEM
some guy at the show had an s.g belt buckle, im jealous now and want one of my own
I'm officially 22 now
i want to be 21 again, it just sounds soo much better
ahhh well, the partying will be good, and will hopefully get photos but not promising anything lol
:x: Name = Richard
:x: Tattoos = Yup
:x: Piercings = tongue, top of ear
:x: Height= 5'9
:x: Shoe size = 10
:x: Hair color = currently black and red
:x: Movie you rented = Dont rent them
:x: Movie you last bought = ichi the killer i think
:x: CD you bought = m.c.r
:x: Song you listened to = Im not ok, i promise
:x: T.V. show you've watched = not watched t.v in a while, its broke and keep forgetting to fix it
:x: Thing you bought = lunch in work
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else: sometimes
:x: You think about suicide = suicide girls.
:x: You want more piercings = sure why not
:x: You like cleaning = hell no
:x: You like roller coasters = yeah
:x: You write cursive or print = print
For or Against:
:x: Long distance relationships? = tried it before, they suck, so against
:x: Suicide = girls.
:x: Teenage smoking = if they're goign to do it, they're going to do it
:x: Driving drunk = for
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships= whatever works for you
:x: Soap operas = against
:x: Shampoo do you use = Herbal escence
:x: Shoes do you wear = A few pairs
:x: Are you scared of = Spiders
:x: Of hearts I have broken= dunno, have to ask others
:x: Of people I could trust with my life = a few
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the news = who knows
:x: Of scars on my body? = not many
:x: Of things in my past that I regret? = not a thing
Do you think you are:
:x: Good Looking = is the light on or off?
:x: Funny = at times :-D
:x: Friendly = when you get to know me
:x: Loveable = hopefully
:x: Caring = usually
:x: 4 letter word = twat
:x: Color(s) = red, black, purple
Have you ever:
:x: Said "I love you"= yes
:x: Kept a secret from anyone: yes
:x: Cried during a movie = no, not yet lol
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide = hell no
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex = not really :-s
:x: What time is it now = 22:35
:x: Apples or bananas = apples
:x: Blue or red = red
:x: Walmart or target = dunno
:x: Spring or Fall = spring
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this = put stuff in the tumbly drier
:x: Noise you heard = me typing
:x: Smell you sniffed = inside of my car
:x: Time you went out of state = dont have states in wales
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = yes
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many? 2 at most
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is = trust
Other Info:
:x: Criminal record = not yet
:x: Do you speak any other languages = a little welsh
:x: Last book you read = not sure
:x: Who you love = friends, family, my animals.
:x: Initials = drc
:x: How old do you look = young enough to get i.d'd at bars lol
:x: How old do you act = 16
:x: Pets = 1 cat
:x: What makes you happy = drums, music, alcohol, spongebob
Have You Ever:
:x: Thought you were going to die = no
:x: Wanted to Run away = yes
:x: Flunked a grade = n/a
:x: Ran away = no
:x: Skipped a grade = n/a
:x: Moved = no
:x: Attempted to commit suicide = no
:x: Thought about it = no
:x: Gotten drunk = sure
:x: Been in jail = nope, working on it though
:x: Contacted the police = no
:x: Been in lust = yep
:x: Smoked = yesssss
:x: Stolen Anything = hahah
:x: Cheated On A Test = hell yeah
:x: Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend = never
:x: Been In The Hospital = yes
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder = dont think so
:x: Fell asleep in the bath = no
:x: Gone to Church = as a kid
:x: Never slept during the night = yeah
:x: Been to camp = no
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving = ew yes ew
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week = probs when younger
:x: Been in a earthquake = no
:x: Been in a tornado = nope
:x: Streaked in the streets = lol no
:x: Been Skinny-dipping =no
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason = hahha yeah
:x: Been in a fight = no
:x: Slept in your bed = what?
So howare you all???? Hope things are great
Not been up to too much myself, mostly work, the rest of the week is just goingto get better though

2morro, I think i will spend cleaning the house first of all, as my mother is coming to visit next week, and will kill me if the place is a tip lol
Then I think I will go get a small over draft from the bank because i've spent all my money lol
I am off to Cardiff 2morro eveningthough going to see the very awesome eighteen visions

Cant wait

The gig is gonna fucking rock as its only in a small pace
Thursday then, tis my birthday!! whooooooooo
Will be doing what clarky does best, and going on an allmighty night ou with plenty of mates, plenty of alcohol and plenty of mischief hehehe
ahhhhh will be good
any ways, this entry is fucking long so will end it here
speak to you all soon!!!!!!

just got home from seeing eighteen visions, third time i have seen them, and def the best time

all the bands were cool, misery signals opened, then emanuel played I FUCKING LOVE THAT BAND AND AM HAPPY I SEEN THEM
some guy at the show had an s.g belt buckle, im jealous now and want one of my own
I'm officially 22 now

ahhh well, the partying will be good, and will hopefully get photos but not promising anything lol
Happy birthday you!

Happy birthday