yesterday afternoon/evening was officially the best drinking session in a long time, twas great
Started off about 4 p.m watching the rugby, wales v france (which we won might i add

so much celebrating followed.
Was much fun and very very drunk :-p
one of the highlights of the night had to be one of my mates borrowing a homeless guys guitar, we then did a "great" version of more life in a tramps vest by the stereophonics to entertain anyone who was walking past :-p (playing more life in a tramps vest of a tramps guitar, wuite ironic when I think about it)
My bank account is now 60 lighter now though (bout $100-$110ish i think

ah well, tis only money

Much drunkeness is always follwed by much drunk phone calls to everyone, poor arwen had the 2:30 a.m call hehehe
Work sucked today, woke up an hour late, still in my clothes from last night

Tonight is meant to be 5 a-side soccer, really not looking forward to it, i fee way to hung over for sport, especially 5 a-side which is the most tiring thing ever

ah well, will let you know how it went (badly i predict

Take care all

*************up date******************
last night was 5 aside football, was the second time i have played, and have conceeded a total of 23 goals lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i fucking suck so bad as a goal keeper!!!!
and if your wondering, we named our team "goonies du peril" which kinda translates as THE GOONIES OF DOOM!!! HAHAHAH FEAR THE GOONIES!!!!!!
ah well, its saint davis day today so
************update two**************
A nice cold beer ( or a beverage of your choice :-p) goes to anyone who can tell me who the S.G doing the fire twirling/eating is in the probot video, because damn shes hot!!!!!!!!!!
wow it sounds really cool. You should take some pics of it!
you need to do a new journal entry! DAMN IT! yup I will comment a whole lot more now! I GOT THE TIME! hehehehehehe! now write somehting damn it!