Evening all, hows things?? Hope yourall keeping well as usuall
Today was a pretty cool day, had to take my car in for its m.o.t, usually end up with like a 150-200 repair bill to keep it road legal, but this year......it passed
40 for the test, all I had to pay
Thought "seeing as I didnt have a big repair bill, I will go buy stuff"
Ended up with the new my chemical romane album, and the killers album, both were great.
Was sitting in barSA1, a pub in town, took thesecurity seal off my killers album, NO DISK IN THERE!!!!! sat down, drunk my pint, played on the quiz machine, then took it back to the store I bought it from where they replaced it.
Once I got out of the store however, phoned my mate to tell him I changed it fine, only for him to laugh and say " yeah, I took the security seal off when you were at the bar took the c.d out re-did the security seal, was gonna tell you"
So now my mate has a free killers c.d, with no cover lol
Not been up to too much else, just work really, NEEEED FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Days to go untill Green Day, cant wait :-p hehehehe
hmmmmmm my cats just jumped in a big box and cant get out, think I should go help her lol but last time she jumped in there and got stuck she pit me when I put my hand in the box the evil fucker
Gonna go gook some snacks now
So what you all been up to????
Take care all
Oh yeah, may as well join in with this
A is for age: 21
B is for booze: Strongbow, souther comfort
C is for carreer: Hahaha shop assistant.
D is for Dad's name: David
E is for essential items to bring to party: Alcohol
F is for favorite song at the moment: Im not ok- My chemical romance
G is for girlfriend: ANY OFFERS??
H is for Hometown: Swansea
I is for instruments I play: Drums
J is for jam or jelly: jelly. Raspberry
K is for Kids: No thank you.
L is for living arrangements: Me and my evil fucking cat
M is for mom's name: Erica
N is for name of friend: Harry
O is for overnight hospital stays: zero so far.
P is for Phobias: Spiders, heights
Q is for quotes you like: I can resist anything but temptation - oscar wild
R is for longest Relationship: Bout 5 monthsish
S is for sexual position: Anything with handcuffs
T is for time you wake up: usually about ten
U is for unique traits and features: Ummm I have 15toes growing out of my knees
V is for vegetable you love: Roast potatoes or carrots
W is for worst trait/feature: Untidyness
X is for x-rays you've had: About 3 or 4
Y is for yummy food I can make: Chicken with cheese and bbq sauce
Z is for zodiac sign: Piscece or however the fuck u spell it, but you know what i mean, the one with the fucking fish
GREEEEEEEEEN DAY 2MORRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And getting my hair cut shorter with the tips dyed red

Today was a pretty cool day, had to take my car in for its m.o.t, usually end up with like a 150-200 repair bill to keep it road legal, but this year......it passed

Thought "seeing as I didnt have a big repair bill, I will go buy stuff"
Ended up with the new my chemical romane album, and the killers album, both were great.
Was sitting in barSA1, a pub in town, took thesecurity seal off my killers album, NO DISK IN THERE!!!!! sat down, drunk my pint, played on the quiz machine, then took it back to the store I bought it from where they replaced it.
Once I got out of the store however, phoned my mate to tell him I changed it fine, only for him to laugh and say " yeah, I took the security seal off when you were at the bar took the c.d out re-did the security seal, was gonna tell you"
So now my mate has a free killers c.d, with no cover lol
Not been up to too much else, just work really, NEEEED FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Days to go untill Green Day, cant wait :-p hehehehe
hmmmmmm my cats just jumped in a big box and cant get out, think I should go help her lol but last time she jumped in there and got stuck she pit me when I put my hand in the box the evil fucker

Gonna go gook some snacks now
So what you all been up to????
Take care all

Oh yeah, may as well join in with this
A is for age: 21
B is for booze: Strongbow, souther comfort
C is for carreer: Hahaha shop assistant.
D is for Dad's name: David
E is for essential items to bring to party: Alcohol
F is for favorite song at the moment: Im not ok- My chemical romance
G is for girlfriend: ANY OFFERS??
H is for Hometown: Swansea
I is for instruments I play: Drums
J is for jam or jelly: jelly. Raspberry
K is for Kids: No thank you.
L is for living arrangements: Me and my evil fucking cat
M is for mom's name: Erica
N is for name of friend: Harry
O is for overnight hospital stays: zero so far.
P is for Phobias: Spiders, heights
Q is for quotes you like: I can resist anything but temptation - oscar wild
R is for longest Relationship: Bout 5 monthsish
S is for sexual position: Anything with handcuffs
T is for time you wake up: usually about ten
U is for unique traits and features: Ummm I have 15toes growing out of my knees
V is for vegetable you love: Roast potatoes or carrots
W is for worst trait/feature: Untidyness
X is for x-rays you've had: About 3 or 4
Y is for yummy food I can make: Chicken with cheese and bbq sauce
Z is for zodiac sign: Piscece or however the fuck u spell it, but you know what i mean, the one with the fucking fish
GREEEEEEEEEN DAY 2MORRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And getting my hair cut shorter with the tips dyed red

But have fun for us both on that concert!!
Hehe just kiddding