Happy sunday morning everyfucker
Just got in from drinking alcohol wheeeeee, so heres how my nightwent
1) went to pub and drunk cider then went wine
2~) decided to go for food, saw thestreet signs that flash how fast your driving at you, tried running at them to see how fast we could run, needless to say itdidnt work........BAH!!!!!!
3) on the way home from food i found and took home A STUFFED TOY MONEKY!!!!!!! HOW FUCKING COOL, and A SUPER COOL STIPEY HAT!!! how cool is finding stuff when your drunk
4) went to my mates and drunk more cider and played some PS2 before coming home
I have to be in work in like 6 hrs
hope all your saturdays were as fun as fine
Night all
Oh yeah, i also had someone leave me a really, really drunk voicemail, and it sounded suspiciously like arwen
Just got in from drinking alcohol wheeeeee, so heres how my nightwent

1) went to pub and drunk cider then went wine
2~) decided to go for food, saw thestreet signs that flash how fast your driving at you, tried running at them to see how fast we could run, needless to say itdidnt work........BAH!!!!!!
3) on the way home from food i found and took home A STUFFED TOY MONEKY!!!!!!! HOW FUCKING COOL, and A SUPER COOL STIPEY HAT!!! how cool is finding stuff when your drunk
4) went to my mates and drunk more cider and played some PS2 before coming home
I have to be in work in like 6 hrs

Night all

Oh yeah, i also had someone leave me a really, really drunk voicemail, and it sounded suspiciously like arwen
LMAO I'm SORRY! I was so fucking wrecked, I've not drunk in ages, and i had about 9 double JD and cokes, a REALLY dodgy bottle of red, and a SHIT LOAD of Tequila. I woke up this morning and I have "I kiss white women" written on my neck, lipstick on my bra, a MASSIVE hole in my fishnets, a face drawn on the underside of every finger (not the thumbs tho
), and "i love black women" written on my knee.
If anyone has a possible explanation, then I would like to hear it! Because I remember Jack Schitt.
However, I am not in the LEAST hungover
Think I'll go down the pub.