hmmm maybe its time to update this page
Best put my thinking cap on to think of any good stuff i've done lately
Good thing i've just remebered 1- On thursday I get my new kitten
she's called splodge and she has emo eyeliner fur
Good thing i've just remebered 2- Our bands got played on the radio for the first time last week, was on BBC Radio Wales
For anyone who is uinterested in checking out my band, we have a video up on youtube
We go out on tour the end of may/start of june with a band who are coming over from Seattle, should be a good time.
We are playing a coupla shows in South Wales, and heading over to London and up to Manchester for 3 shows in 4 days up there.
Aside from the band, things are going good
Getting plenty of hours in at work, and the weather is finally starting to turn nice over here. Cant fecking wait for the summer whoooooo
Thats about it for now really
Take care all
I have a new kitten after my old cat died a couple months back
Her name is Splodge
She's awesome, at first she was shy and quiet, but the last few days its been fucking nuts
Its currently runnng round the front room of my house meowing and attacking my leg
Best put my thinking cap on to think of any good stuff i've done lately

Good thing i've just remebered 1- On thursday I get my new kitten

Good thing i've just remebered 2- Our bands got played on the radio for the first time last week, was on BBC Radio Wales

For anyone who is uinterested in checking out my band, we have a video up on youtube
We go out on tour the end of may/start of june with a band who are coming over from Seattle, should be a good time.
We are playing a coupla shows in South Wales, and heading over to London and up to Manchester for 3 shows in 4 days up there.
Aside from the band, things are going good
Getting plenty of hours in at work, and the weather is finally starting to turn nice over here. Cant fecking wait for the summer whoooooo
Thats about it for now really
Take care all
I have a new kitten after my old cat died a couple months back
Her name is Splodge
She's awesome, at first she was shy and quiet, but the last few days its been fucking nuts
Its currently runnng round the front room of my house meowing and attacking my leg
Ha, how is Splodge now? x
Lol get a camera and take pictures