Ah... 3 day weekend. I don't get enough of these.
Let's back track a bit...
Thurday was a busy ass day at the office and when it hit 5:00pm I get a text from a friend saying to meet a group at Disneyland for another person's birthday. So I rush home, get changed, and was off to the Mouse House. Of course the 1st thing I do when I get there is meet up with my friends at the bar in Downtown and throw back some drinks. Then it was off to party in the park... at least until 9:00pm when they throw us out because Disney was doing their Grad Night thing. But it was still fun none the less.
Friday, work got pretty dead after 12:00pm. The boss even let us go home 1/2 hour early.
Yeah, a whole 1/2 hour. Then I was at Underground later that night for lots of fun. Everyone seemed to want to buy me drinks again. I really have no idea how this happens.
Saturday, I met up with my movie group were we viewed puppet related movies. Yes, we seem to be doing themes lately. I brought along one of my sane co-workers because she is into bad movies just as much as this group, so I thought I'd introduce her. She fit in perfectly and everyone invited her to come back to the next one.
Sunday, I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I never even left my apartment. Lots of movies and resting. I even got to watch Dr. Horrible for the 1st time. I am now kicking myself for not watching it sooner.
Today, I got up early and went to see the new Terminator movie. I was impressed.
Then I took my car to finally get washed... it no longer looks like a dirt mound. Then I did some minor cleaning around the apartment. Later I think I'm going to go hang with my buddy Anthony. No idea doing what, but I'm sure drinking will be involved... but not too much since I have to go back to work tomorrow.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Let's back track a bit...
Thurday was a busy ass day at the office and when it hit 5:00pm I get a text from a friend saying to meet a group at Disneyland for another person's birthday. So I rush home, get changed, and was off to the Mouse House. Of course the 1st thing I do when I get there is meet up with my friends at the bar in Downtown and throw back some drinks. Then it was off to party in the park... at least until 9:00pm when they throw us out because Disney was doing their Grad Night thing. But it was still fun none the less.
Friday, work got pretty dead after 12:00pm. The boss even let us go home 1/2 hour early.

Saturday, I met up with my movie group were we viewed puppet related movies. Yes, we seem to be doing themes lately. I brought along one of my sane co-workers because she is into bad movies just as much as this group, so I thought I'd introduce her. She fit in perfectly and everyone invited her to come back to the next one.
Sunday, I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I never even left my apartment. Lots of movies and resting. I even got to watch Dr. Horrible for the 1st time. I am now kicking myself for not watching it sooner.
Today, I got up early and went to see the new Terminator movie. I was impressed.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Dr. Horrible is awesome, Neil Patrick Harris is one of personal heros.