Ok, time for a bit of a rant... I'll spoiler it so if you don't want to read it you won't have to.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)So, I log in this evening and I click the usual "My SG" button to see all the updates and I see the biggest update of them all.
Really? Someone in their infinite wisdom thought this was a good idea for a layout? Really? It's a big jumbled mess that tells me nothing. I really wish it was required for people who do web design to learn about layout. There is such a thing as too much information, and when it is combined with no organization... well, it makes what you're looking at completely worthless.
Sure you may say there is a filter list, but the "save changes" button doesn't seem to work.

Are we taking programing lessons from Microsoft? Sending programs out to the public before they actually work?
It looks like they are now trying to copy some of what Facebook is doing... which in my opinion lacks in layout and user friendliness. Tell you what... let's have a layout that is original to us instead of copying other sites out there.
So once again the update to make this site better has moved it further back from functional and user friendly.
Ok, now that that is out of my system...
Work has been it's boring usual self. Tomorrow I have another hockey game to work. That's pretty much it... nothing really exciting going on at the moment.
***edit to rant***
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Ok, almost an hour after I post my rant, the "save changes' button on the filter list finally works... but it's still not in an easy to read format and still ceases to be user friendly. Oh, and just so you know, it's not a rant against change. I'm all for change for the better. This is not better.