So I'm slowing getting a page done every now and then. I wish I had more time to do these.
So I'm slowing getting a page done every now and then. I wish I had more time to do these.
So this last three days I have been surrounded by creatures, pirates, smugglers, killers, cartoons, femme fatales and one giant Groot. So my life has been awesome. What a crazy three days! If you've never been to a comic convention I highly recommend it. I just got home from a four hour road trip so I need a drink and then off to bed. I...
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After a year long journey, my book Another Day Another Name is published! Writing Another Day Another Name was incredibly fun and the path to publication was a great learning experience. If you've every even thought about writing a book I highly recommend it. In fact I'd be happy to talk to you about the process I went through and what worked and what didn't.
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So excited today! I just got my physical copies of my new novel Another Day Another Name. Join me in the The Unboxing fun.
so tonight ends the three weeks I've been out on the Idaho desert. I'll miss the stary nights but way excited for a real shower.
Had a dream last night about a woman with a white tiger tattooed on her right shoulder blade. I've never met anyone like this but it seemed like is known her forever. The dream was so intense. Not just sexually but emotionally, like I had this connection with her beyond anything i'd ever experienced.
Ever had a dream like that?