Single for a year?? How's that possible. .....you're sooooo beautiful.   Hope the stars align for you soon lady x

From catdad


You are completely lovely.  Good luck with your first set. 

Thank you Catdad! I really hope that it will be loved, even if for the relase I need to wait 3 months :(

From antman71


😍😍😍 You are so pretty!!! 😍😍😍

You are so..beardy? <3 ahaha love it, thanks, you are so sweet :)
Thank you sweet girl... Hahaha 😙

From misha69


Welcome dear @clarie , you look absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to see more and to support you. May you be PINK very quickly. Love

Thank you dear @misha69! And I need to say that I found your photoshooting really amazing! Love, Clarie
@clarie reall ? Oh thanks dear, i m very flattered, which one exactly ? Love

From louie_


Thanks so much for following me, you are beautiful!

Thank you so much for being a sg! I really love to find stunning ladies like u :) and actually, I'm a big fan of hunger games (I've got 'the odds are never in our favor' tattoo) so I really loved your mockingjay <3
Thank you soo much! Do you have a pic of your tattoo somewhere? I would love to see it!