Just wanted to give a quick update! I haven't had internet much on this trip because the house I'm staying at has screwy wireless!
Sitting at Starbucks right now.. free wifi for the win.
I'm having a great time in NC! Loved seeing all of my friends so far that I haven't seen in foreverrrr.
A lot of people cried during my friends bands last show
They played an amazing set though! Went to Hanging Rock State Park today and that was goood. Going to the movies tomorrow night with a bunch of them to see Funny People! Anybody see it yet? It looks like it'll be a good movie!
The lovely MissTrashyPants left a comment on my last blog with this picture so I wanted to show you all how amazing she is!

I'm having a great time in NC! Loved seeing all of my friends so far that I haven't seen in foreverrrr.

The lovely MissTrashyPants left a comment on my last blog with this picture so I wanted to show you all how amazing she is!

She's slowly getting me these pictures! I can't wait for the final pictures to be picked out and edited and sent in so it can get up on MR for you all to see! I think it's a much better set than the one I have going up on August 13th. Only a little over two weeks for that one.. don't forget to go check it out when it goes up!
Until next time..
I love summer jajaja beso preciosa

OOh cute