I spent some time this afternoon reading the boards regarding strap-on and their distatste for this site. While I found it a combination of irritating and amusing it actually brought up a serious concern I've been mulling about lately. Namely, how safe am I when I post information about myself online? I was recently contacted by some weirdo who pulled my full name off of another site and looked up my phone number in a directory. I didn't even know my full name was on the site, so I was extremely confused to begin with. He called to ask if I would like to do some "hardcore fetish shoots" because "the money can be quite good". He also mentioned that he would need to get "very specific measurements" of my body and wanted to know if I would feel comfortable with him "touching [my] pussy a bit" in order to do so. Short answer: fuck off, pal! More importantly, how am I supposed to ensure my safety without becoming a total recluse?
wow, i wonder if that line works on other girls...
triple yi-zikes!!!