I got a hair cut last night. While I was there some guy wandered in off the street and asked us to call him an ambulance because he was having chest pains and was short of breath. We called and he kept talking in a really incoherent way about random people he knows, politicians, and asked us what year it is. I started to think he was high, not sick. The paramedics agreed with me and got really mad about it. They called the cops and four of them showed up! It's amazing the kind of response time you get from suburban police. When I needed the police to remove a drunk from a bar I used to work in they didn't show for 45 minutes even though I told them that he was throwing glass ashtrays at people's heads.

Heh,heh...I can see your retina***BLUSH***
So let me get this straight...YOU get thrown out of bars merely for vomiting in a trash can , while some crazy , ashtray launching, jackass is free to plague humanity at will?????? What sort of city do you live in , lady???? This is madness . MADNESS , I SAY!!!