The Joseph Gordon-Levitt Weekend?
[Note: Haven't posted here as often as I'd like. the BB code conversion often makes it a hassle. I still blog semi regularly at my website]
So JG-L was in 2 movies this weekend: G.I. Joe and (500) Days of Summer, which opened wide(r).
G.I. Joe tried to be your typical summer popcorn movie but failed on most levels. The story involves Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripcord (Marlon Wayans in a comic relief role) in the US armed service and assigned to protect new nanobot warheads capable of destroying all metal radiating out from ground zero until they receive a kill signal. They are attacked by an unknown military group with advanced weaponry but saved by the international military unit, G.I. Joe, and they join. We discover Duke and the Baroness (Sienna Miller) had a relationship which went sour when Duke failed to protect the Baroness' brother Rex (Gordon-Levitt). Rex survived to work on nanotech research for Destro (Christopher Eccleson). Both teams attack each other's bases which are pure 60s Bond Villain style bases in an effort to gain control of the warheads.
The Baroness and Scarlett (Rachel Nichols) are hot but you'd have to work pretty hard to make them not hot. They did have my favorite fight because it was a fight guys could have had but it was done by hot chicks.
Storm Shadow (Byung-hun Lee) and Snake Eyes (Ray Park) were good adaptations and their fights were well done but the problem was there was their character arc. Even in the flashbacks Snake Eyes always got the better of Storm Shadow so when they fought in the end it was no surprise as to who the victor was.
Channing Tatum has somehow stolen WWE's John Cena's genes. He sounds exactly like him and even looks a lot like him. So much so, that I wonder why Cena wasn't cast in the role. Duke is the character who we follow in the movie. His story arc is the most developed but the real issue is the movie relies too much on flashbacks to try and involve us in the back stories of the characters and villains and in the end it's too dense and it feels like they're trying to dumb it down. Or maybe I just didn't care.
500 Days of Summer is not a summer popcorn blockbuster. It is a wonderful slice of life movie about Tom's (Gordon-Levitt) relationship with a girl named Summer (Zooey Deschanel). The movie is not told in a linear fashion. There are 500 days to their relationship and we are shown the specific day we are watching. The first scene we see is day 390 - just after they break-up we then jump earlier seeing day 1 where the first met and then get to see their relationship develop.
Tom and Summer go through interesting and believable character arcs. In one of their first real social interactions, Summer explains she doesn't have a boyfriend because she doesn't believe in love. Tom believes in love and argues she just hasn't found the right person. They start dating soon after. As the movie starts with a break-up Tom goes through some highs and lows and we see how love can inspire and bring one to despair.
One thing I'd like to mention is the soundtrack. The title sequence is to Regina Spektor's Us and had me from there. Music is used to define characters similar to Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Of particular note is the musical number as Tom, after spending his first night with Summer, is so happy it appropriately spreads to those around him.
Oh yeah, Wizard World: Chicago Comic-con happened this weekend as well.
I went Thursday night, checked out everything and bought enough stuff to not go Friday. On Saturday I met up with Jason and looked around the show with him.
G.I. Joe (more accurate than the movie)

more cosplay

Green Lantern Corpswomen

It's a freaking Sentinel and there ARE people in there.


We went to dinner at the Embassy Suites restaurant, saw G.I. Joe, and hung out in the Hyatt bar with Pat, Luke and Jenny to later be joined by Steve and his friends.
On Sunday we met up with Kevin, Tracy, Chris and Sarah. Kevin bought toys Chris got a picture with Lou Ferigno, Sarah got t-shirts and Tracy got a balloon.

We had lunch at the Hyatt and saw Ray Park and TNA's Christy Hemme there. Then I met up with Ashly to see 500 Days but first she had to give the old man a hug. That's not a euphemism. So say we all.

Final Talley:
Amazing Spider-Man 7: The Book of Ezekiel ($5)
@thena Inc. ($5)
Batman: Fortunate Son ($5)
Death Jr. 2 ($5)
The Devils Panties vol 2 HC ($5)
Fantastic Four Omnibus 1 ($50)
Fantastic Four Visionaries: George Perez Vol 1 ($5)
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 HC (Jones/Azzarello/Romita Jr./Weeks/Corben) ($5)
Kilroy Is Here ($5)
Lloyd Kaufman Presents: The Toxic Avenger and Other Tromatic Tales ($5)
New Universal ($5)
Pathfinder: An American Saga ($5)
Scarletts Curse: Born From Hell ($5)
Spawn: New Flesh Collection ($5)
Spider-man and the Fantastic Four: Sivler Rage ($5)
Spider-mans Tangled Web 3 ($5)
Stagger Lee ($5)
The Trouble With Girls 2 ($5)
WildC.A.T.S:Gang War ($5)
Wolverine and Black Cat: Claws HC ($5)
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong HC ($5)
Agnes Grobowska: You, Me, and Zombie ($20)
Christina Strain: Coloring Book ($10?)
J. Scott Campbell: Tall Sketchbook ($20)
J. Scott Campbell: Shades of Gray Sketchbook ($20)
J. Scott Campbell: Monster Green the Wicked Files ($30)
Jenny Frison: Judge books by their COVERS ($15)
Keron Grant: Sublime ($25)
Luke Smarto: Pillow Fight ($15)
Mark Texerira: Babes & Brawn ($10)
Scott Hepburn: Welcome to The Port ($10)
Talent Caldwell: Interim Part One ($10)
Kung-Fu Chefs ($10)
The Best of ECW ($25)
Doctor Who Mini 2-pack: Slytheen and Weeping Angel ($10)
Memoirs of an Antihero ($8)
HP6 ($8)
Firefly ($8)
G2 ($3) Bought cuz I forgot my water in the car and I could refill it.
Embassy Dinner (treated to by Jason Thanks!)
Hyatt Drinks: ($25)
Hyatt Lunch ($20)
G.I.Joe ($19 treated Jason)
(500) Days of Summer ($7.50)

TOTAL: $439.50
Add to that tickets were $50 and I think Christina Strains sketchbook may have been $20 I spent a good $500 this weekend. GAH! So very broke. Next year it may be cheaper to get a table and do the art thing.