Happy Birthday to Me
I turn 40 in 2 weeks. I have work in Aurora area this weekend so I'm spending the weekend in Naperville.
For those not in the know, my parents are separated but Dad decided to come back this weekend because he'll be out the next two weekends and wanted to treat me and mom to a meal for my birthday. I wasn't necessarily up for it cuz I felt he'd screw it up but decided to give him a chance and that we'd have Dim Sum (it's a lunch of appetizers like Tapas.)
Now understand, my Dad isn't very social within the family. A few years back, while it was just the 2 of us at Dim Sum, he finished his meal early (which is typical for any meal, I was probably half finished) and ordered the waitress to pack all of his food. When I asked why not just wait for me to finish, he told me I could take as long as I wanted but ordered the waitress to pack his stuff immediately. I was of course done then and angry. He told me if I got mad just over such a little thing I would not survive in the world. I didn't eat out with him until his birthday several months later.
Anyways we went to dim sum and he was incredibly rude to mom during the drive so I ended up choosing not to eat with him. I wandered for a bit went to a nearby Sushi House (even the Chinese waitress at Sushi House was surprised at my age!) and paid for $50 of sushi. It was good but not great. Anyway, I will not be eating, not out - anywhere, with dad for a long time. Maybe forever.
Love from Japan -- grape chocolates are back! Actually they're blueberry. Almost stopped me from being angry. Almost.
Big things going to happen at work tomorrow - I may actually blog about what happens at work tomorrow. I've been putting in a lot of hours. Worked 10 hours on thursday 3/27. Worked 12 hours each friday through Sunday (including Wrestlemania!) and 15 hours on monday. Very tired. Still
Had lunch with TargetGiRL last friday. I hadn't talked to anyone or eaten well for the past 2 weeks it was just nice to sit down and talk with someone and not have everyone screaming at you to fix stuff. If I were younger I'd give it a go. But I'm not.
Got into an accident 2 weeks ago. Rear bumper is cracked. Hot polish girl gave me $300 to forget about it. It's a much longer story but I'm angry and tired.
Went to a poker tournament at Radiation Kevin's last night. I did fine both games but didn't get any money. I confused a lot of people with my extremely haphazzard play. The guy who won was scared to play against me in the second game.
I turn 40 in 2 weeks. I have work in Aurora area this weekend so I'm spending the weekend in Naperville.
For those not in the know, my parents are separated but Dad decided to come back this weekend because he'll be out the next two weekends and wanted to treat me and mom to a meal for my birthday. I wasn't necessarily up for it cuz I felt he'd screw it up but decided to give him a chance and that we'd have Dim Sum (it's a lunch of appetizers like Tapas.)
Now understand, my Dad isn't very social within the family. A few years back, while it was just the 2 of us at Dim Sum, he finished his meal early (which is typical for any meal, I was probably half finished) and ordered the waitress to pack all of his food. When I asked why not just wait for me to finish, he told me I could take as long as I wanted but ordered the waitress to pack his stuff immediately. I was of course done then and angry. He told me if I got mad just over such a little thing I would not survive in the world. I didn't eat out with him until his birthday several months later.
Anyways we went to dim sum and he was incredibly rude to mom during the drive so I ended up choosing not to eat with him. I wandered for a bit went to a nearby Sushi House (even the Chinese waitress at Sushi House was surprised at my age!) and paid for $50 of sushi. It was good but not great. Anyway, I will not be eating, not out - anywhere, with dad for a long time. Maybe forever.
Love from Japan -- grape chocolates are back! Actually they're blueberry. Almost stopped me from being angry. Almost.
Big things going to happen at work tomorrow - I may actually blog about what happens at work tomorrow. I've been putting in a lot of hours. Worked 10 hours on thursday 3/27. Worked 12 hours each friday through Sunday (including Wrestlemania!) and 15 hours on monday. Very tired. Still
Had lunch with TargetGiRL last friday. I hadn't talked to anyone or eaten well for the past 2 weeks it was just nice to sit down and talk with someone and not have everyone screaming at you to fix stuff. If I were younger I'd give it a go. But I'm not.
Got into an accident 2 weeks ago. Rear bumper is cracked. Hot polish girl gave me $300 to forget about it. It's a much longer story but I'm angry and tired.
Went to a poker tournament at Radiation Kevin's last night. I did fine both games but didn't get any money. I confused a lot of people with my extremely haphazzard play. The guy who won was scared to play against me in the second game.