Ssick - part 2
So I'm not really sick. I did have an earache sunday night into monday morning that only allowed me about an hour of sleep (two half hour sessions) which will probably turn into something that I'll ignore until I need to go to the hospital. It's some sort of congestion thing but it didn't hurt on the flight.
"Ssick," however, is TargetGiRL's new expression. It was her "like," "very," and "y'know" all rolled into one. It also drove one of my bosses crazy _ and not in a good way. Every time she said it, and it was several times a sentence, you could see his jaw clench and his temple vein bulge. So I decided to join in. I only got to do it once. He gave me a look that said "I can't kill her, but you you work directly under me."
I'm finally recovering from the weekend. I looked at all the crap I recorded: regular stuff as well as 2 awards shows (IFC Indy Spirit and Oscars) and it's a lot. I'm starting with the Academy Awards, with luck I'll get the main show out of the way tonight and maybe get to the red carpet and post shows tomorrow. Guh. I'm sorry, ssick.
So I'm not really sick. I did have an earache sunday night into monday morning that only allowed me about an hour of sleep (two half hour sessions) which will probably turn into something that I'll ignore until I need to go to the hospital. It's some sort of congestion thing but it didn't hurt on the flight.
"Ssick," however, is TargetGiRL's new expression. It was her "like," "very," and "y'know" all rolled into one. It also drove one of my bosses crazy _ and not in a good way. Every time she said it, and it was several times a sentence, you could see his jaw clench and his temple vein bulge. So I decided to join in. I only got to do it once. He gave me a look that said "I can't kill her, but you you work directly under me."
I'm finally recovering from the weekend. I looked at all the crap I recorded: regular stuff as well as 2 awards shows (IFC Indy Spirit and Oscars) and it's a lot. I'm starting with the Academy Awards, with luck I'll get the main show out of the way tonight and maybe get to the red carpet and post shows tomorrow. Guh. I'm sorry, ssick.