Wedding Day
Chris and Sarah got married Friday night. It was cold and snowy.
Taken just before the ceremony. Chris reveals his true nature. Look at those devil eyes! It's not too late. Run! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (I did not touch up this photo...)

First kiss as a married couple.

Shawn and Kerry

Den and gf with Rick in the foreground.

and with brother Kevin. LOOK! DEN CAN SMILE! Well, that's as close as it gets.

Our Dinner Menu

I sat with Jason, Sarah's brother, Scott, his snoobtacular girlfriend, Jessica, and a couple Chris and Sarah knew from Benedictine, Adam and Brianna. Our slice of adventure was Adam received a text message from his mother which was just "help." Then she didn't respond to any texts or phone calls. Cops were called and after an half hour we found that she had fallen down the stairs but was OK. She didn't even have to go to the hospital.
Cutting cake

Cake toppers based off my drawings. I told Sarah she'd get her hair done up for the wedding and she said she wouldn't. We argued lots over this cuz all my drawings were done with her hair up and styled but she insisted she was just gonna have her hair normal so I changed my drawings. Then she goes and gets her hair done. Grrrr. Creative genius is always ignored... But I found it interetsting that little flip of hair still found its way free to fall into her face.

She's found someone else already. See the little flip of hair.

Pics of them on stairs

The hired photographer is off to my right. Cuz they wouldn't ignore me, would they? Nah, they wouldn't. Would they?

Dancing. Some sort of Electric something...

Bride and Maid of Honour

Kevin and Tracey(sp?)

She's so White & Nerdy

My MySpace page is all totally pimped out
Got people beggin' for my top eight spaces
Yo, I know pi to a thousand places
Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces
I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise
I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days
Once you've see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed
My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze
Sarah rapped the WHOLE SONG perfectly. Everyone was repulsed yet strangely attracted.
So at least they weren't all of her. I have fears of a Keira Knightley Love Actually moment where Sarah goes, "they're all of me. But you don't like me..."
It's a self-presevervation thing.
Chris and Sarah got married Friday night. It was cold and snowy.
Taken just before the ceremony. Chris reveals his true nature. Look at those devil eyes! It's not too late. Run! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (I did not touch up this photo...)

First kiss as a married couple.

Shawn and Kerry

Den and gf with Rick in the foreground.

and with brother Kevin. LOOK! DEN CAN SMILE! Well, that's as close as it gets.

Our Dinner Menu

I sat with Jason, Sarah's brother, Scott, his snoobtacular girlfriend, Jessica, and a couple Chris and Sarah knew from Benedictine, Adam and Brianna. Our slice of adventure was Adam received a text message from his mother which was just "help." Then she didn't respond to any texts or phone calls. Cops were called and after an half hour we found that she had fallen down the stairs but was OK. She didn't even have to go to the hospital.
Cutting cake

Cake toppers based off my drawings. I told Sarah she'd get her hair done up for the wedding and she said she wouldn't. We argued lots over this cuz all my drawings were done with her hair up and styled but she insisted she was just gonna have her hair normal so I changed my drawings. Then she goes and gets her hair done. Grrrr. Creative genius is always ignored... But I found it interetsting that little flip of hair still found its way free to fall into her face.

She's found someone else already. See the little flip of hair.

Pics of them on stairs

The hired photographer is off to my right. Cuz they wouldn't ignore me, would they? Nah, they wouldn't. Would they?

Dancing. Some sort of Electric something...

Bride and Maid of Honour

Kevin and Tracey(sp?)

She's so White & Nerdy

My MySpace page is all totally pimped out
Got people beggin' for my top eight spaces
Yo, I know pi to a thousand places
Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces
I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise
I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days
Once you've see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed
My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze
Sarah rapped the WHOLE SONG perfectly. Everyone was repulsed yet strangely attracted.
So at least they weren't all of her. I have fears of a Keira Knightley Love Actually moment where Sarah goes, "they're all of me. But you don't like me..."
It's a self-presevervation thing.