So I try to read a book (non-comic book) for entertainment every two months. That's six books a year. Many to some, not many to others but there you have it. As of Christmas Eve I had read none. Now I'm up to four.
Granted I had already half read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when it came out and was half way through James Rollin's Black Order as well. I finished up those, read Peter David's Star Trek novel Before Dishonor and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations (after his show Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel Chanel). No Reservations, unlike A Cook's Tour and Kitchen Confidential is less a wordy book so much as it is a picture book. Still I read it as opposed to what I usually do with picture books which is look at the pictures. The Audrey Hepburn Treasuresfrom last year, which is one of those pull-out, memento thing books (they have Marvel Comics, Shakespeare, and Star Wars ones out), was looked at but never read.
With any luck I'll read at least 1 of 3 books over the next 2 days: Steven Brust's Dzur, Warren Ellis' Crooked Little Vein, or the most recent Child/Preston Pendergast novel. Whatever I finish by the end of new year's I'll count towards 2007.
Other things:
The Dresden Dolls are playing at the VIC this saturday. Give them a listen. There's a cool cover of Science Fiction Double Feature (Rocky Horror, duh) in the Downloads and Lyrics section. Not as Cool as Amanda's cover of Material Girl but that's a crappy, scratchy, crowd bootleg version and SFDF is mixing board good.
Granted I had already half read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when it came out and was half way through James Rollin's Black Order as well. I finished up those, read Peter David's Star Trek novel Before Dishonor and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations (after his show Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel Chanel). No Reservations, unlike A Cook's Tour and Kitchen Confidential is less a wordy book so much as it is a picture book. Still I read it as opposed to what I usually do with picture books which is look at the pictures. The Audrey Hepburn Treasuresfrom last year, which is one of those pull-out, memento thing books (they have Marvel Comics, Shakespeare, and Star Wars ones out), was looked at but never read.
With any luck I'll read at least 1 of 3 books over the next 2 days: Steven Brust's Dzur, Warren Ellis' Crooked Little Vein, or the most recent Child/Preston Pendergast novel. Whatever I finish by the end of new year's I'll count towards 2007.
Other things:
The Dresden Dolls are playing at the VIC this saturday. Give them a listen. There's a cool cover of Science Fiction Double Feature (Rocky Horror, duh) in the Downloads and Lyrics section. Not as Cool as Amanda's cover of Material Girl but that's a crappy, scratchy, crowd bootleg version and SFDF is mixing board good.