L'Hopital's Rule
So my sickness came to a head last week and I spent several days in hospital. My hemoglobin levels were 6 out of an average of 12-15 and the doctor was concerned if I could drive to the emergency room. I did _ I was much worse that afternoon. The short of it is I have an ulcer. 3 actually and a hiatal hernia. I'm on iron supplements because my iron levels are low; an acid reducer (like pepcid) and antibiotics to treat the ulcers. (Biopsies showed the presence of H. Plori which is the ulcer bacteria.
People visited me in hospital. My parents.


Kevin Beyer did as well but it was very late and I had fallen asleep and Pat, Dal and Jimmy would have but decided they had no idea when I would be awake. Dr. Popp wanted to send me a singing telegram which I think would only have been funny if my parents were visiting at the time.
This is a picture of me off to have my EGD.

Sarah took it and asked me to call her when I was done so she'd know I was OK. I was given a drug that wipes your memory for about an half hour and so when I was done I had no recollection of the procedure or calling Sarah. So I caller her twice. I don't remember either but she says I sounded really high. Worst character ever.
My hostpital tidbit. They want to keep track of your intake/outake so one of the ways they do this is they measure your urine volume. So I had a piss jug which a nurse would read the volume off of and then empty. At least if I let them. Modesty required me to volunteer to write down that number and take care of my own pee. Almost built a plane out of spruce and started walking around in tissue boxes. They do not collect "number two" for measurement.
Movies Movies Movies
So I've spent a lot of money this week. Spent it like I got out of the hospital and am glad to be alive.
Amongst about 6 dvds, I bought 2 Kenneth Brannagh Shakespeare things. Hamlet and As You Like it. As You Like It was toned down a bit and my favorite bit from the play (the Rosalynd poems and Touchstone mocking them) was all but removed. Still it was fun.
I went to see 30 Days of Night with Pete and Popp which, much like the Graphic Novel, was fun but a better idea than was executed on screen. Very gory though. If you see the trailer for Untraceable (a crappy Diane Lane vehicle) Popp and I decided you could hack a car if it had Onstar. I then did a 180 and watched Singing in the Rain with Matt, Chris and Sarah because Sarah had never seen it.
The next day I went to see Darjeeling Limited with Kevin, Chris and Sarah and the only time the whole crowd laughed was during the tralier for Juno which looks very good. Darjeeling was typical Wes Anderson which is a lot of fun. See the Hotel Chevalier short before hand if you want and not just for Natalie Portman nudity.
Blicks had a 20% off everything sale so I bought some stuff. I was particularly interested in the Copic Multiliners. Over at Panel and Pixel theres a thread where they show how to fix the nib on Pitt brush pens and then there was a big discussion on their favorite brush pen. I had tried most of them including Jimmie Robinson's fave the currently out of production Splash! which I found a bit to leaky for my weak and slow inking skills.
This is the original photo:

This is what I've got so far. It's at the save stage but her head is way too small and I'm not sure what to do. I've sorta got her crooked smile but not her nose or eyes.

the original photo

This is the initial sketch. She looks a bit too bucktoothed-chinawoman here.

This is a bit better but her jaw is still too big. I also need to redo some of the highlights to that were rendered out.

Excuse Me, There's a Straw In My Hash Browns
Matt and I went out to Omega to eat Sunday night. The food is diner level in quality. Nothing great but not bad. Our waitress sucked though. I asked her specifically if I had a choice of soup or salad but she said no, just dessert. Later I got a salad with Ranch dressing which I'm not a big fan of while the people at the booth next to us were given a choice of soup or salad and got to choose their dressing. She never came unless food was being doled out and I had to ask to get a refil on soda which she still took a long time to get back to and when she did she tossed the straw not on the table but into Matt's hash browns! She got the minimum tip possible (15% _ I don't not tip)
So my sickness came to a head last week and I spent several days in hospital. My hemoglobin levels were 6 out of an average of 12-15 and the doctor was concerned if I could drive to the emergency room. I did _ I was much worse that afternoon. The short of it is I have an ulcer. 3 actually and a hiatal hernia. I'm on iron supplements because my iron levels are low; an acid reducer (like pepcid) and antibiotics to treat the ulcers. (Biopsies showed the presence of H. Plori which is the ulcer bacteria.
People visited me in hospital. My parents.


Kevin Beyer did as well but it was very late and I had fallen asleep and Pat, Dal and Jimmy would have but decided they had no idea when I would be awake. Dr. Popp wanted to send me a singing telegram which I think would only have been funny if my parents were visiting at the time.
This is a picture of me off to have my EGD.

Sarah took it and asked me to call her when I was done so she'd know I was OK. I was given a drug that wipes your memory for about an half hour and so when I was done I had no recollection of the procedure or calling Sarah. So I caller her twice. I don't remember either but she says I sounded really high. Worst character ever.
My hostpital tidbit. They want to keep track of your intake/outake so one of the ways they do this is they measure your urine volume. So I had a piss jug which a nurse would read the volume off of and then empty. At least if I let them. Modesty required me to volunteer to write down that number and take care of my own pee. Almost built a plane out of spruce and started walking around in tissue boxes. They do not collect "number two" for measurement.
Movies Movies Movies
So I've spent a lot of money this week. Spent it like I got out of the hospital and am glad to be alive.
Amongst about 6 dvds, I bought 2 Kenneth Brannagh Shakespeare things. Hamlet and As You Like it. As You Like It was toned down a bit and my favorite bit from the play (the Rosalynd poems and Touchstone mocking them) was all but removed. Still it was fun.
I went to see 30 Days of Night with Pete and Popp which, much like the Graphic Novel, was fun but a better idea than was executed on screen. Very gory though. If you see the trailer for Untraceable (a crappy Diane Lane vehicle) Popp and I decided you could hack a car if it had Onstar. I then did a 180 and watched Singing in the Rain with Matt, Chris and Sarah because Sarah had never seen it.
The next day I went to see Darjeeling Limited with Kevin, Chris and Sarah and the only time the whole crowd laughed was during the tralier for Juno which looks very good. Darjeeling was typical Wes Anderson which is a lot of fun. See the Hotel Chevalier short before hand if you want and not just for Natalie Portman nudity.
Blicks had a 20% off everything sale so I bought some stuff. I was particularly interested in the Copic Multiliners. Over at Panel and Pixel theres a thread where they show how to fix the nib on Pitt brush pens and then there was a big discussion on their favorite brush pen. I had tried most of them including Jimmie Robinson's fave the currently out of production Splash! which I found a bit to leaky for my weak and slow inking skills.
This is the original photo:

This is what I've got so far. It's at the save stage but her head is way too small and I'm not sure what to do. I've sorta got her crooked smile but not her nose or eyes.

the original photo

This is the initial sketch. She looks a bit too bucktoothed-chinawoman here.

This is a bit better but her jaw is still too big. I also need to redo some of the highlights to that were rendered out.

Excuse Me, There's a Straw In My Hash Browns
Matt and I went out to Omega to eat Sunday night. The food is diner level in quality. Nothing great but not bad. Our waitress sucked though. I asked her specifically if I had a choice of soup or salad but she said no, just dessert. Later I got a salad with Ranch dressing which I'm not a big fan of while the people at the booth next to us were given a choice of soup or salad and got to choose their dressing. She never came unless food was being doled out and I had to ask to get a refil on soda which she still took a long time to get back to and when she did she tossed the straw not on the table but into Matt's hash browns! She got the minimum tip possible (15% _ I don't not tip)