Things you may not have known about me... for good reason
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Lab Assistant (twice - in one I "sacrificed" animals for research.)
2) Comic Book Guy
3) Video Arcade goon
4) Banquet Waiter
B) Four movies I would watch over and over again:
(These are 4 movies I DO watch over and over again as background noise while drawing)
1) Resident Evil
2) The Matrix
3) Deep Blue Sea
4) Attack of the Clones
C) Four Places I've Lived
1) Albany, NY
2) Chicago, IL
3) Urbana, IL
4) Champaign, IL
D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Scrubs
2) Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
3) The Venture Bros.
4) Doctor WHO
E) Four places I've been on vacation:
1) Taipei, Taiwan
2) Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago - so it's really Port-of-Spain, Trinidad but that ruins the T thing I have going.
3) Toronto, Cananda
4) Tokyo, Japan
F) Web sites I visit daily or weekly:
2) MySpace
3) EatPoo(It's an art site, really!)
4) Warren Ellis' The Engine
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1) The mashed potatoes from Popeye's
2) Pinky Mints -the japanese grape mints
3) anything battered in Long John Silvers batter and fried, including just the plain batter
4) Oscar Meyer Bologna
H) Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) In bed
2) Japan
3) Europe
4) Sitting on the toilet (I'll be back in a second)
I) Friends I think will respond:
1) You
2) Kirsten, cuz she does it to me all the time!
3) ...
Kristen still has not replied...

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Lab Assistant (twice - in one I "sacrificed" animals for research.)
2) Comic Book Guy
3) Video Arcade goon
4) Banquet Waiter
B) Four movies I would watch over and over again:
(These are 4 movies I DO watch over and over again as background noise while drawing)
1) Resident Evil
2) The Matrix
3) Deep Blue Sea
4) Attack of the Clones
C) Four Places I've Lived
1) Albany, NY
2) Chicago, IL
3) Urbana, IL
4) Champaign, IL
D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Scrubs
2) Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
3) The Venture Bros.
4) Doctor WHO
E) Four places I've been on vacation:
1) Taipei, Taiwan
2) Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago - so it's really Port-of-Spain, Trinidad but that ruins the T thing I have going.
3) Toronto, Cananda
4) Tokyo, Japan
F) Web sites I visit daily or weekly:
2) MySpace
3) EatPoo(It's an art site, really!)
4) Warren Ellis' The Engine
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1) The mashed potatoes from Popeye's
2) Pinky Mints -the japanese grape mints
3) anything battered in Long John Silvers batter and fried, including just the plain batter
4) Oscar Meyer Bologna
H) Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) In bed
2) Japan
3) Europe
4) Sitting on the toilet (I'll be back in a second)
I) Friends I think will respond:
1) You
2) Kirsten, cuz she does it to me all the time!
3) ...
Kristen still has not replied...