Hey all,,,just wanted to update on life...the beginning of this week was insane, I had two tests to study for and a paper to complete in a matter of hours but I did it and I think I did very well.
On Tuesday Meridee passed her state real estate exams so now she's little miss realtor and I went over to her house to celebrate by smoking and watching Evil Dead. Yesterday we flyered Tennessee St., got some yummy Chinese food, and then she showed me a thing or two about djing. Claudio aka Mixmaster Claud even showed me up and NAILED a mix with my two new records. I learned so much now I can't wait to go home and praaaactice!
Hope you all are doing well...
Bassline of the Day: Thousand Miles -David Carbone<-----if you like DnB and you've not heard this song...you're missin out!!!
Question of the Day: If you had a nightclub, what would you name it?

Bassline of the Day: Thousand Miles -David Carbone<-----if you like DnB and you've not heard this song...you're missin out!!!
Question of the Day: If you had a nightclub, what would you name it?
yes, thousand miles is a tasty track of which the likes of jesus has ever heard.
shower buddy
i dont know what id name my place
would depend on the type of place
and location
and other names around it
whenever i put on shows
my company is named
Corporate Crime Productions