So I guess I should do a real update. I've been here in Jacksonville for a little over a week now. Hellmark and Star and I have been hanging out smokin it up pretty much every day. I was supposed to work at my old job but those assholes never called. Oh yeah Matthew and Star are getting a PLACE! It's pimp too. I am so happy for them. The biggest news of the week was the fact that my mom called and left a message saying that she wanted me to come have dinner and blah blah blah. So I waited till today to call her back and take her up on the offer because the fact of the matter is that I'm not failing school, she can't control my life, I'm not going to go over there and be criticized for who I am anymore, and I am NOT moving back in if that's what she thinks. My mother has done some pretty horrible shit to me and I'll be more than happy to let her be aware of all of them if she starts up with her bullshit. So anyways when I called today I talked to my little half sister Jordon who will be 13 or 14 in a couple of days. I can't believe it. She sounded good and told me that mom and the stepdad were about to go last minute xmas shopping. Knowing my mom she'll do ALL her shopping today except for any shit she ordered online. I already went to the grocery store today and it was insane. I am not going anywhere today...nope. Alrite, well that's it bitches.
Happy Atheist Present Giving Day to you all!!!!
Happy Atheist Present Giving Day to you all!!!!
ok, stop laughing now......STOP!!!!
i fianly hooked my system back up in the new place, adn now i can shake the floor and leave that nice feeling of to much baaaaaaaaaaaase inside visitors.