I do apologize in advance but I must speak my mind on a certain subject that's been coming up in my conversations lately...and this is not directed towards any one person, so don't come bitching at me, this is how I feel:
If you want to kill yourself or die and come to me with it and tell me about it or even joke about it...fuck you because one of my best friends Allison jumped off of a 17 story building March 10th of this year. She was beautiful, she was smart, talented, and about to graduate high school, and she gave it all up. And you know what I wish? I wish she would've come to me and said things like "Claire I just wanna die." etc. because THEN I could've helped her and maybe I could've prevented the whole sad fucking ordeal all together.
I sat there and watched her poor family weep because they had to bury their daughter and you know they'll be questioning their self worth for the rest of their lives.
And if you're suicidal intention is trying to shock people and hurt your family because you know they'll miss you...first of all shame on you, you're fucking selfish and take into account that you'll fade. I'll surely never forget Allison, but time has eased the pain and those who barely knew her will forget, get over it, and get on with their lives.
I love and miss Allison every second of every day and I know the choice she made is not my fault, but where her pain ends...ours only begins. So the next time you wanna die or kill yourself...take a step back and look at your life and ask "Is it really worth devistating those I love and would leave behind?"
R.I.P. Allison Collie Hartman(11/29/85 -03/10/04) Me and you and Jack forever
P.S. I still love every one of you!
If you want to kill yourself or die and come to me with it and tell me about it or even joke about it...fuck you because one of my best friends Allison jumped off of a 17 story building March 10th of this year. She was beautiful, she was smart, talented, and about to graduate high school, and she gave it all up. And you know what I wish? I wish she would've come to me and said things like "Claire I just wanna die." etc. because THEN I could've helped her and maybe I could've prevented the whole sad fucking ordeal all together.
I sat there and watched her poor family weep because they had to bury their daughter and you know they'll be questioning their self worth for the rest of their lives.
And if you're suicidal intention is trying to shock people and hurt your family because you know they'll miss you...first of all shame on you, you're fucking selfish and take into account that you'll fade. I'll surely never forget Allison, but time has eased the pain and those who barely knew her will forget, get over it, and get on with their lives.
I love and miss Allison every second of every day and I know the choice she made is not my fault, but where her pain ends...ours only begins. So the next time you wanna die or kill yourself...take a step back and look at your life and ask "Is it really worth devistating those I love and would leave behind?"
R.I.P. Allison Collie Hartman(11/29/85 -03/10/04) Me and you and Jack forever

P.S. I still love every one of you!

Wow...strong words. I'm sorry for your loss...
sorry that the 'cane is going to ruin your b-day. But with the end of the assault weapons ban, you can at least shoot at the hurricaine. Ok, maybe not