Above is my newest local DJ pal/interest, Meridee J, pictures really do not do her justice because she is absolutely ADORABLE! Three cheers for female DnB DJs!
With that in mind I've been adapting pretty well to college life so far, classes start on Monday and hopefully so does my job if the freaks at the PakMail here ever call me when they say they're going to.

So last nite I went the "night club" in the student union...there was a metal band playing, they were ok I guess. I was really surprised to see that they sell beer there...but then again you have to think of how much of a party school this place is...really you can always be sure that someone is getting fucked up somewhere off of something. Mainly alcohol. Anyway after the boring metal band I stood outside for a while and met a cute little juggalo named Chris. We then went and saw the midnight showing of Clockwork Orange. After that we walked back to my dorm and sat outside and fucked with the drunk kids. Apparently there was a hunch punch party on the 7th floor. Another drunk guy named Chris who lives there came and started slurring...I mean talking to us and said that they're always partying and that we're always invited. And of course there was a girl who was wasted and hysterically crying on her cell phone with someone because she didn't have her key to get into the building. So I let her in and she didn't even say thank you or anything and I don't know what the hell she was crying about either but I think she lives on my floor because I could hear her still crying when I finally went upstairs. Jesus kids...get a grip and regulate your alcohol or don't drink at all. I'm sure she's suffering the consequences today...hangovers mmmm. That's all for now...I love you all!!!

oh ok. heh but theres always "flings"
aww thanks sis! hehehe
i hope school goes well for you!