Is anyone else tired?
I want another tattoo.
very tired.

all work and no play makes flagg a dull boy. Its fucking hot here and I'm about to spend 3.5 hours on a bus for work.


What you your tat ideas ??
"Always remember home" is a good one. I like "breathe" too.

as far as working away from home goes.. well I have a great job.. but the office is 300Km away. I do most of my work locally.. but have to go to the office a few times a month. All in all its pretty cool. :-)
I've got two weeks to secure a job.
I've got nothing so far.
And I'm applying everywhere.
Does SG pay?
Because I'd do that smile
$500 and a pair of SG panties wink

See here: SG Modeling Info
and join this group: SG Hopefuls
I'm going to be going through sacramento in early january to photograph SafeHaven for her set, if you want to shoot a set lemme know.
i thought this was the sweetest thing ever. william (the boyfriend) wrote this and called me to tell me to read it. i'm home for thanksgiving, as is he (about 400+miles apart), and we miss eachother too much :/ yes, there are lots of typos and limited punctuation, but look past it.

i love this boy no matter what my dad says.

a blog?... a...
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Thanks so much for the comment on our set smile
thats so beautiful :-)
my dad and mom (divorced since i was two days old) both hate the idea of me being out of college for a semester. my mom says take one or two classes and work, my dad says stay in school full time or go home. i say that i am an adult and i can make decisions for myself, which i have been, and if...
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My partents were a bit like that... I got a full time job doing what I love and have never looked back.

Your happiness is what matters, you must do what is right for you - but don't forget that your partents only want what is best for you (in their eyes), and having a degree could be the difference between getting that dream job or not.

Follow your heart, but dont forget to consult your head smile
That's a very complicated situation. Generally speaking, men are terrible communicators, so you'll have to explain your perspective well and calmly to your father. That's the best advice I can give you. Have you considered going part time for a semester and then taking summer off as a compromise?
I've been in college since August and I'm still not used to it. It's been very hard adjusting not only to being in college, but also being far from home. I really enjoy the company of most of the people I've met, and I really like the small town vibe I get from the community (even though it's a newly developed semi-busy town). I've met...
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Good luck with everything.
I started college in September, and quite by the end of September. If you've come this far, you may as well stick it out!
GAA death to crap roomates! Especially airhead ones ! stick to your guns grrl.

You can do it, and you will. Being indepedent is wonderful - once you've got it, there is no going back. smile
New to SG. I meant to do this a while ago. I wish I could be one :/
No you're right there, daft means stupid. I now feel stupid as it just took me 4 attempts to type the word stupid <sighs and shakes head>
Hello Miss New Girl smile Would you like to be my friend? You sound fun smile