hi everybody
dawn!! what week end !!
so crasyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i'm tired, i'm used !! lol
i haved modelling for the video clip of the lust metal french group "horresco referens" this week end , saturday and sunday 9am to 22 pm ..
the dvd will come in few month.. and maybe visual party in paris ..photos will come soon in my pics gallery, je vous tiendrai au courant pour la date,
le theme du clip etait une orgie entre plein de nanas et lesmenbres du groupe, cetait usant, jen ai mal au genoux lol
Today i have take my train in paris, gare de lyon, to Toulon, in south france, but we have a problem, we have shoot with the train, a animal, don't know what animal, maybe cow ..
but very not cool, poor baby animal ..
would make a kiss
for all people who have send me very cutie message, for my new profil pics
if you likethis one, sure, you'll love the new set !!
wait to put on the website, for your waiting don't hesitate to look , my pics gallery !!!!
dawn!! what week end !!
so crasyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i'm tired, i'm used !! lol

i haved modelling for the video clip of the lust metal french group "horresco referens" this week end , saturday and sunday 9am to 22 pm ..
the dvd will come in few month.. and maybe visual party in paris ..photos will come soon in my pics gallery, je vous tiendrai au courant pour la date,

Today i have take my train in paris, gare de lyon, to Toulon, in south france, but we have a problem, we have shoot with the train, a animal, don't know what animal, maybe cow ..

would make a kiss

if you likethis one, sure, you'll love the new set !!
wait to put on the website, for your waiting don't hesitate to look , my pics gallery !!!!
wonderful pics!
ill have to see if i can get that dvd somewhere online