coucou, c etait cool d aller a la convention tattoo art fest le week end dernier meme en arrivant a 17h , les sg etaient cool like usual
meme si jai juste fait un coucou eclair , pas mal de bons artistes ;;pis des surprises ,cad revoir des vieilles connaissances, dont deux potes belges que j apprecie bcp, ahhhhhh ses belges alors ;p
en parlant de belgik, j y retourne ce week end pour samedi une bicky burger party et dimancje pr le sjock festival, avec wanda jackson et cherry casino, hellll yeah , ca va etre coolos ;; ca va me remonter le moral par rapport au taf, enfin mon contrat se termine fin aout, jai hate ..marre d etre exploitee ;;
ps, nouveau tattoo sur la main, le meme ke mon chiri, ;;
helloooo, the tattoo art fest in paris the last sunday was very cool, good occasion to see old friendsn drink beers, and discover artists SG's stand ..
this week end, i ll be back in belgium, bicky burger party saturday night and sunday, rockabilly festival in gierle, with wanda jackson ;;i can't wait ;;
you don't know how i can love this country and their people ;.so friendly, any problem,
always happy ;;
new tattoo , on my hand, little
the same what my man ;;
many kisses

en parlant de belgik, j y retourne ce week end pour samedi une bicky burger party et dimancje pr le sjock festival, avec wanda jackson et cherry casino, hellll yeah , ca va etre coolos ;; ca va me remonter le moral par rapport au taf, enfin mon contrat se termine fin aout, jai hate ..marre d etre exploitee ;;
ps, nouveau tattoo sur la main, le meme ke mon chiri, ;;
helloooo, the tattoo art fest in paris the last sunday was very cool, good occasion to see old friendsn drink beers, and discover artists SG's stand ..
this week end, i ll be back in belgium, bicky burger party saturday night and sunday, rockabilly festival in gierle, with wanda jackson ;;i can't wait ;;
you don't know how i can love this country and their people ;.so friendly, any problem,

new tattoo , on my hand, little

many kisses
Okay what's the Bicky Burger Party?