hello everybody !!
What's new?
Come soon , on internet, the web site of my burlesque compagny ...we play in france, in paris, for the first show at the demonia night the tuesday 9 december..
Hope you'll come, if you are in Paris for this date...
New tatoo on my hands....
Visit my favorite french photographer based in Paris , this art of Virginie notte,...
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What's new?
Come soon , on internet, the web site of my burlesque compagny ...we play in france, in paris, for the first show at the demonia night the tuesday 9 december..
Hope you'll come, if you are in Paris for this date...
New tatoo on my hands....
Visit my favorite french photographer based in Paris , this art of Virginie notte,...
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For the moment, i 'm in Paris..tomorrow, i will go in Laura Satana "tattoo " studio for my old shool spider web...
i 'm return in Lille tuesday maybe at 9.30 am ...this week end, i have drink a lot with all my burlesque friend
i would like so much, find a work , here , in Paris...he have some fashion, young, hairdresser room,...
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For the moment, i 'm in Paris..tomorrow, i will go in Laura Satana "tattoo " studio for my old shool spider web...

i 'm return in Lille tuesday maybe at 9.30 am ...this week end, i have drink a lot with all my burlesque friend

i would like so much, find a work , here , in Paris...he have some fashion, young, hairdresser room,...
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Awww!! Why do we have to wait so long for your set to go up???
@tankcrust: merci ce tattoo cets bien passe, mais au lieu de me retrouver avec un simple coude, me voila avec une manchette quasiment qui m arrive mi avant bras, tout en tracer noir, manque plus que les couleurs, ca fait un peu bobo a linterieur du bras, la ou tu fais la prise de sang, sinon cetait pas la mort..mais jai pas eue le poster de banane metalik, pas grave , je la revoit le 11 oktobre..on se verra vendredi soir bisous
hello everybody, i have make my new tatoo, come soon photo of this one in my pics...now i'm spiderwomen "lol"
thanks paleenchantress, you a lovely girl
and laputa, you know, he have a lot of set before me to valid..i m stressed now, i just can wait
hello everybody, i have make my new tatoo, come soon photo of this one in my pics...now i'm spiderwomen "lol"
thanks paleenchantress, you a lovely girl
and laputa, you know, he have a lot of set before me to valid..i m stressed now, i just can wait

Lille is a sleepy place. How do you survive? Is there any places for the alternative?
I`ve been to Lille many times to see french companies like Camieu, Pimkie, La redoute and others. I always like it but how do you like it?
I`ve been to Lille many times to see french companies like Camieu, Pimkie, La redoute and others. I always like it but how do you like it?

wow your fantastic! can't wait for your set!
dark people, cute music group...
all my shoot this another photographer
such a beauty!

it's the 1september 2004, at 03:43 am in france!
i'm happy, in august, i'm officially a suicide girl!! hope you like my set !!
big kiss

Congratulations, you are so gorgeous, i hope your set goes up soon!

salut ma belle, ton set est genial et merci pour tes bisous je te les rends avec tous mon coeur. Une francaise a S.G. la vie ne devrait pas etre si cool
Chanceux et bien oui nous le sommes tous d'etre cottoyer par ta beaute et ton charme francais. sante , bohneur et amour ma belle. Alors comme on dirait ici en amerique du nord :des gros bec, des gros calins pour toi et passe une super belle journee ma belle.
desoler il faut que je me tire, ma journee tire sur sa fin.
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev

desoler il faut que je me tire, ma journee tire sur sa fin.
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev

we are 6women with tatoo, fringe(bangs), crazy mind, psycho and rock n roll lover...more news after........