Well, I tried to go to work today! No go, head hurts so bad I vomited 4 times before I got there. So, I am home bound today. Which sucks! Anyway, I feel like ten pounds of monkey crap in a five pound bag! so I going to subject myself to sitting home looking at fine ass SuicideGirls. Anyway, I hope everybody is doing ok.
"he's going to cut his arm off------he's been listening to Def Leppard too much!" ---Bam
"he's going to cut his arm off------he's been listening to Def Leppard too much!" ---Bam
Fuck you. You have no clue of what's going on with me right now. You have no fucking idea of how tired and stressed I've been. Get annoyed enough when people bother me to smile on cam when I just have a blank expression from just being in the chat, let alone someone bitching in my journal to me to smile when the reason I looked the way I did was because I was so incredibly tired that I literaly shaking and could barely support myself. I will never smile for you.
thanks for the comment on my page. sorry i'm a slackass that doesn't reply. thinking still of doing a set....i'll try to do so when i'm NOT having a fat day.