Good morning, or actually good afternoon. It is absolutely beautiful outside. It may be a little cold, but that's okay. It's clear out and the sky is the colour of blue that only is seen in winter. You know, that deep blue that looks like it goes on forever. I really don't like the cold, but it's cute to see all of the squirrels scampering around looking for food.(Nevermind the fact that they're too stupid to remember where they left it). And yes, in case anyone is wondering, I am facing a window and looking outside as I write this. Waking up this morning was great. The best way to wake up is with the person you love standing over you looking down at you like you're an angel. Now granted my halo may be supported by my horns, but we'll discuss that later. It's great to know that even though my eye make-up is smeared and my hair's a mess, someone still finds me attractive.
I was so out of it last night. I think it's because all of the medicine I'm taking to fight off the cold that I 'm gonna get no matter what. HAve you ever been thinking something in your head that was supposed to be a thought, then said it out loud without realizing it? I had that problem last night. I was thinking about checking my e-mail and I guess I said it out loud, because my roommates looked at me. I was just like,"What I didn't say anything" and they told me I had. I spent most of my night like that. The sad thing is, I wasn't even drinking. Oh, well we all have our days. Speaking of which, I'm going to get my butt in the shower so I can go enjoy this one. Until later, Good Day!

I Love that line, I am named for an angel so I get to use it all the time ...(-: