Okay ladies and Gentleman, now is the time!! I need an idea for my next photo shoot!! let me know what you would love to see for an SG shoot. give me some backgrounds, give me some costume, make up scenes, attitude, mood ideas.... Im open for pretty much anything!

So red is seduction and passion and gets stronger on the areas with less clothing
blue is for the metal tight contraints that represent a binding of a sexual beast and the concealment of deeper desire
purple and pink for the start will be common and used on the areas that the blue and red dosent cover.
As far as hair thats up to you but I would go for something wild and spiky just very sadistically twisted and manipulated like bent metal.
If you get the right photographer(s) and a kickass lighting setup then your album will go gold in no time.
it's a shame I cannot mind meld with you or teach you directly how to do all the different facial contorsions, but I am confident whatever you do will be spectaculer.