I shall take this liberty to vent:
*Piss on you for taking an extended vacation and adding me as the point of contact in your "out of office" email reply, for all of your bullshit.
*To my boss: Piss on you for allowing all of these fucks to take time off at the same time.
I have to work tomorrow, and it more than likely will be the same experience as today and the same as all of the other previous days this week. The positive that I find in this is: all day tomorrow I'll be on overtime(1.5), so that'll be 10+ hrs of overtime for this week. That's a big fuck you to management..tyvm.
On another note, kudos to the fuckers for fixing this website so that it loads correctly. I was happy to see that it no longer loads all fucking cock-eyed on my computer, which annoyed the shit out of me.
Sorry for being such a red-ass right now. It's good to vent every now and then..don't you agree?
I just cracked open a nice cold Heineken...so things should be pretty good for the rest of the evening.
I shall take this liberty to vent:
*Piss on you for taking an extended vacation and adding me as the point of contact in your "out of office" email reply, for all of your bullshit.
*To my boss: Piss on you for allowing all of these fucks to take time off at the same time.
I have to work tomorrow, and it more than likely will be the same experience as today and the same as all of the other previous days this week. The positive that I find in this is: all day tomorrow I'll be on overtime(1.5), so that'll be 10+ hrs of overtime for this week. That's a big fuck you to management..tyvm.
On another note, kudos to the fuckers for fixing this website so that it loads correctly. I was happy to see that it no longer loads all fucking cock-eyed on my computer, which annoyed the shit out of me.
Sorry for being such a red-ass right now. It's good to vent every now and then..don't you agree?
I just cracked open a nice cold Heineken...so things should be pretty good for the rest of the evening.

i shall miss thee.