I damn near shit a brick in my pants at work today. Why, you might ask? Because I was stuck in the elevator while it decided to stop moving on or around the 15th floor. The elevator just stopped and then it would jerk up and down, trying to move up to my destination, the 21st floor. This non-movement and the jerking up and down went on for about 20-30 seconds. I had no idea what to do because I was freaked the fuck out. So, I just started tapping on the 'open door' button repeatedly and that worked, thankfully!!! Anywho, I got off the elevator...scared on a different one, went to the 21st where my office is...freaked out. I didn't tell anyone about it though because I was so grrrrrrr'd out and couldn't really talk about it. yeaaaaaaaah, retarded.
I damn near shit a brick in my pants at work today. Why, you might ask? Because I was stuck in the elevator while it decided to stop moving on or around the 15th floor. The elevator just stopped and then it would jerk up and down, trying to move up to my destination, the 21st floor. This non-movement and the jerking up and down went on for about 20-30 seconds. I had no idea what to do because I was freaked the fuck out. So, I just started tapping on the 'open door' button repeatedly and that worked, thankfully!!! Anywho, I got off the elevator...scared on a different one, went to the 21st where my office is...freaked out. I didn't tell anyone about it though because I was so grrrrrrr'd out and couldn't really talk about it. yeaaaaaaaah, retarded.