This Week's Highlights.
I got HDTV (fuck!). I buzzed all my hair off, Beckham-style. I got a tattoo at T.I.T.S. in Alexandria (cool shop). Two of my kids came over and spent the weekend kicking my ass at Guitar Hero III. If 'calling the guys in the band and thinking about a new album' qualifies as pre-production, then I started pre-production on a new album. I went to AA every day. I was in a total of 5 States, plus DC. I'm still looking for someone to go see WASP with me on the 15th. I booked my Costa Rica trip and can't stop thinking about the jungle and the beach. Started reading about Tibetan Buddhism. Got stronger and healthier thanks to my trainer. That's all I can think of for comes a new one.....hope yours is great. Peach out.
UPDATE / RESPONSE TO DR: Hey man! The 'fuck' comment is meant as a good 'fuck' not a bad 'fuck'....I shoulda put a 'holy' in before it maybe...and the tat is a band around my arm just above the elbow of the late John Cardinal O'Connor's Bishop motto 'There can be no love without justice''s all lowercase, no spaces, in this really cool Gothicky font I found. Kinda hard to photograph, but I'll try.....
I got HDTV (fuck!). I buzzed all my hair off, Beckham-style. I got a tattoo at T.I.T.S. in Alexandria (cool shop). Two of my kids came over and spent the weekend kicking my ass at Guitar Hero III. If 'calling the guys in the band and thinking about a new album' qualifies as pre-production, then I started pre-production on a new album. I went to AA every day. I was in a total of 5 States, plus DC. I'm still looking for someone to go see WASP with me on the 15th. I booked my Costa Rica trip and can't stop thinking about the jungle and the beach. Started reading about Tibetan Buddhism. Got stronger and healthier thanks to my trainer. That's all I can think of for comes a new one.....hope yours is great. Peach out.
UPDATE / RESPONSE TO DR: Hey man! The 'fuck' comment is meant as a good 'fuck' not a bad 'fuck'....I shoulda put a 'holy' in before it maybe...and the tat is a band around my arm just above the elbow of the late John Cardinal O'Connor's Bishop motto 'There can be no love without justice''s all lowercase, no spaces, in this really cool Gothicky font I found. Kinda hard to photograph, but I'll try.....
what's wrong with the HDTV, the (fuck!) comment is throwing me off. And what is your tattoo of?