Okay so I have not been on in FOREVER. I lost my internet so I can not get online as mush as I use to. Well to update you.. I got a new tattoo... Its on my back/ass its really cute. I have not gotten it filled in yet but soon I will I hope. I have also just started my second year in collage. Its fun so far and I am having fun.
I have a few ideas for new sets if I ever do anymore. Im starting to give up hope on SG on getting a set through. but we will see wont we =] Leave me lots of comments and mail I love to hear from you all.


From the looks of your latest set here's some advice: it looks like you did use a proper photographer but it doesn't seem like they did any editing work to them, the lighting is there but it was inconsistent, it's very important to keep the lighting and therefore skin tone as well consistent throughout the set. This could have easily been fixed in editing though. Other than that the photographer needs to really move around you alot more and take from far more different angles than he did, it's generally not good to have more than two pictures in a row of you from the same angle where you are almost in the same pose just doing like one thing different. And you should also move around alot more as well and do a lot of different poses. It's usual to shoot about 800 pics and then to narrow down to the set so shoot a lot more!