Soooo today has sucked. But on a good note I got my nipples pierced
haha. So i will have new sets with them very soon. so be looking out for that. But anyways thanks for all the supportive messages you guys have been sending me.
I try and message everyone one back but after the overwhelming amount of messages it gets a little time consuming. If you really would like to chat with me I made a new AIM sn for all of you who would like to talk its Cjaysuicide so IM me sometime. If im not online Im probably working haha. Hope to see more comments and messages. They make me smile.
<3 Cjay

<3 Cjay
Great pics! You could do a theme like Belle suggested, but "pictures of Cjay" is a good theme on its own! Can't wait to see the pierced nipple pics!
You are so perfect.. Just wanted you to know!