Sooo I'd don't share all my art on here but wanted to start because I really enjoy the SG community.. I've been working hard on releasing a book which is now done called "C-Jac and Bastian : regained core" C-Jac ( see-jack). Haha I know it's weird but it is the main characters name and his chameleon friend Bastian end up on a journey in a world C-Jac had left behind. It's a play on my healing process after I had gone through a breakup and gave my ex partner everything as she took and inevitably I no long did anything I enjoyed anymore. It's a mistake that happens with love and this book is my healing process to finding my core to what I needed in my life and what makes me happy.
I also have a comic book and a youtube channel where I'm introduceing you to all the comic characters you will get to meet in this epic adventure I have written.
Anwhoo I just thought I'd share with y'all.