For the sake of getting it all out on digital paper...
I've come away alone for a week to give my girlfriend some space as requested. She is struggling at the moment with her trust in me. Turns out that if i have slept with a girl before my current relationship then i can no longer be friends with them... is that how it works?
Apparently so.
To me this kinda sucks because i have slept with some very close friends of mine, some that i will miss terribly if i was to cut off contact with them. Don't get me wrong and let me clarify a little, i have no problem with my girlfriend being friends with her ex's as long as said ex does not still hold an attraction worth pursuing with my girlfriend..still with me? I'm trying to say i'm not be hypocritical.
I dont know if it's just me who manages to remain friends with some of sexual partners i've had, but i find that i can. I had been single prior to this relationship for a bout 6 years so i guess in that time i did sleep with some close friends (and make some genuine friendships out of the girls i slept with.) With no emotional attachment involved it was easy to be friends also.
Well as it turns out my girlfriend had asked me to cut these people out of my life because they held no place anymore. I disagree but for the sake of looking forward i did what was asked...*
* Well I did except one friend that i kept, she is important to me and we do still talk and seeing as it wasn't effecting my relationship i thought that it would be ok... I thought wrong.
Long story short my girlfriend found out that we were still in contact (as friends only) and now has lost all trust in me because i led to her. Fuck.
So here i am, away from home for the next week to give her space so she can clear her head.
Pretty shit i say. Probably deserved though?
End rant!
I've come away alone for a week to give my girlfriend some space as requested. She is struggling at the moment with her trust in me. Turns out that if i have slept with a girl before my current relationship then i can no longer be friends with them... is that how it works?
Apparently so.
To me this kinda sucks because i have slept with some very close friends of mine, some that i will miss terribly if i was to cut off contact with them. Don't get me wrong and let me clarify a little, i have no problem with my girlfriend being friends with her ex's as long as said ex does not still hold an attraction worth pursuing with my girlfriend..still with me? I'm trying to say i'm not be hypocritical.
I dont know if it's just me who manages to remain friends with some of sexual partners i've had, but i find that i can. I had been single prior to this relationship for a bout 6 years so i guess in that time i did sleep with some close friends (and make some genuine friendships out of the girls i slept with.) With no emotional attachment involved it was easy to be friends also.
Well as it turns out my girlfriend had asked me to cut these people out of my life because they held no place anymore. I disagree but for the sake of looking forward i did what was asked...*
* Well I did except one friend that i kept, she is important to me and we do still talk and seeing as it wasn't effecting my relationship i thought that it would be ok... I thought wrong.
Long story short my girlfriend found out that we were still in contact (as friends only) and now has lost all trust in me because i led to her. Fuck.
So here i am, away from home for the next week to give her space so she can clear her head.
Pretty shit i say. Probably deserved though?
End rant!
Also: Sounds like too much work
When you get a chance to talk you should tell her you understand why she's upset but explain that she can't just tell you to cut people out of your life. She's not in the right but she's insecure and thats what starts most fights. Hopefully with some reassurance, trust and lurrrve she'll be okay.